Follow That Cartoon (Part 5)

Welcome back to Follow That Cartoon! A series of entries in which I track the creation, submissions, and, hopefully, the sale of this cartoon:


Got my first “no thanks” from the cartoon editor for Reader’s Digest.


The good news is I have a number of others being held for the next big meeting, but #5922 isn’t among them.

Oh well, off to the next market. I’ll letcha know when I send it out again.

(BTW, while looking this one up in my database, I couldn’t help but notice its similarity to this cartoon. Apparently I’m already plagiarizing myself.)

(Another BTW, you can follow the rest of the entries starting with this previous one.)

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4 thoughts on “Follow That Cartoon (Part 5)”

  1. This is an interesting idea! And I hope the cartoon sells before too long.

    Hey, that's a nice number of holds you got from RD.

    Do you have a set plan for where this goes next? I mean, would it be for instance, Good Housekeeping, First, Women's World — in that order? I'm just wondering since I tend to send my own cartoon batches to markets in the above order — unless the baby's in a business suit or something, then it would go to some of the business mag markets.

  2. I'd considered sending it to HBR next, but then probably Good Housekeeping. I think Barron's and Forbes are possibilities; they publish some other-than-business types of stuff.

    Then of course there's Baby Auto Mechanic Weekly, but I dunno if they'd be into this one.

  3. Mike, congratulations on the RD holds! It's been a while, so did you hear from Norman? I'm trying to understand how long it takes for final selection by RD.

  4. Hey there…

    I just heard about the meeting results, but it varies.

    Any more I just sorta send stuff out and wait to hear. I gave up trying to understand meeting scheudles at any magazine some time ago.

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