You might have already read about this over at Mike Lynch’s or Brian Fies’ blogs, but just in case you didn’t, there’s going to be a show of cartoon art at the Great Neck Arts Center in New York from August 12 to October 1. And I’m in it!
I’ll have two pieces, each with the original cartoon, and the published version. They’re pretty neat, and I think the faming turned out really well.
Anyway, check it out if you get a chance.
Also, I’m going to have 12 of my cartoons on display in the Hanover Park Library from November to December.
I’ve just finished picking them out and I’m going to frame them soon. Stop by if you get a chance.
As if that wasn’t enough, I’ve been commissioned to do two original cartoons for a client. One is for company use, but the other is a large (3 foot by 2 foot) original watercolor for display only.
Who knew my goofy little cartoons would ever be considered art?!
Technorati Tags: andertoons, cartooning, cartoonists, cartoons, original art