Check Out The New Checkout

One of the things I’ve been busy with lately is a totally revamped checkout process over at everyone’s favorite cartoon website.

The old system certainly worked fine, but there were lots of little improvements to be made to make the process easier and clearer, (BTW, I’d compare screenshots of old vs. new, but my programmer actually got things done so quickly I didn’t have time to get any of the old system. Hard to complain.)

OK, so here’s the cartoon itself:


After clicking the GIANT RED ADD TO CART BUTTON (still one of my favorite Photoshop projects) you go here:


MUCH clearer than the old cart page. And a BIG GREEN CHECK OUT NOW BUTTON now instead of the little gray one I used to use.


Above is probably the biggest change. At log in you now have the option of not creating an account at all. Yep, directly to the right of the log in button, there’s a link to “continue without an account.”

I mean, let’s face it, the majority of folks coming to the site are most likely buying one or two cartoons for a powerpoint and their out of there. Why annoy them with a whole account creation process?!


More big text and another big green button. There’s no missing them anymore.


And you’re done! Hooray!

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Andertoons Business Card & Stationary

So after getting my logo finished up, I decided I needed to update my stationary and business card too.

I’m using the same folks to to the design, but I’m not sure I like where it stands (click the image to enlarge):


I’m thinking that “Andertoons” at the bottom of the paper is too large. And, as I said, I’m not sure I love this design at all really.

Any thoughts?

Oh, one more thing… I’ve considered putting a cartoon on the back of the business card. I was thinking this one. Probably redrawn.

Any other thoughts?

Now, any limericks?

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My Big Band Chart

Last night I was in the crawl space getting stuff out for Christmas, and I ran across one of my boxes of old stuff. Right on top was this (click on the image to enlarge it):


I was a music major, and I played in one of the better college big bands nationwide. I also as an assistant for the jazz program’s director. One of my jobs was copying out the individual parts from his original scores.

A few weeks before my last year these began, he told me he wanted me to do a feature and he’d be willing to arrange it if I’d copy out the parts.

Well how do you turn that down?!

We chose one of my favorite songs, “Emily,” and the arrangement turned out beautifully.

The score above is obviously in his handwriting, but the page below is the first page of the solo trombone part in my handwriting (again, click the image to enlarge it):


As a copyist I don’t think I had a career ahead of me, but I think I do have a Schulzian love of just the look of notes on a page. (By the way, did I just create the word “Schulzian?”)

Anyway, this is just a so-so photocopy of my lost originals, but I thought it’d be interesting to see my art style in music form.

My Hobo At Mental_Floss

So I’m Technorati-ing “Andertoons” and this pops up:

Talk like a hobo day

[ hobo.jpg]Sadly, there is (to our knowledge) no such day. Talk Like a Pirate Day, on the other hand, is strictly observed in many quarters, and it’s just a matter of time before swearing like an old prospector gets a day of its own too.

3 days ago in mental_floss magazine – Where Knowledge Junkies Get Their Fix · Authority: 1,586

Being curious and narcissistic, I clicked and found this:


That’s right, my Hobo #186 (Gummy Miles) used at the mental_floss blog. Cool, no?

Take THAT Ape Lad! 🙂

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Cartoon Kindling


So yesterday Amazon launches the Kindle.

It looks pretty cool, and, like the iPhone, when something like this come out I immediately begin thinking of the possibilities for cartoons.

I’ve tried to see how art/grpahics look on it, but I’ve not seen anything decent in the demo videos.

I really like that there’s no plan and/or carrier to sign up for, but the overall look and feel… Meh.

To quote Cali over at GeekBrief, “my guess is I’m going to wish it was designed by Apple.”

Anyway, I’m not looking to buy this first gen, but it really does look very promising.

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