Conventional Disappointment

So this week I decided that it might be a good idea to leave the house once in a while and meet other people in cartooning and related industries. Cartooning is a wonderful profession for homebodies like me, but even we hermits like to mingle occasionally.

Mike Lynch (who filled in here at the blog my last vacation) recommended the Licensing Show coming up this summer and I was really excited about it and had already begun making plans to attend, but it turns out I had forgotten about some curriculum writing for school my wife had committed to the exact same three days of the convention.

I was really bummed out. I had planned to head into the New Yorker and use my not inconsiderable bulk to maybe scare Mankoff into a buy or two, have lunch with the cartoonists, walk the show with Mikey and just generally enjoy a cartoony couple of days.

I was grumpy for most of the night but then found some other conventions that looked like possibilities. The National Stationery Show in particular looked promising, but, again, to quote Sallah from Raiders of the Lost Ark, “bad dates.”

But I am determined. The MoCCA Art Fest is a possibility, SPX looks like it has some potential, and I might even venture out to Comic-Con, but wherever I go, I’m only going to go to one convention this year.

Anyone have any advice?

Vote Paroubek!

The Czech Republic has a new Prime Minister, and according to Czech tabloid Blesk, he’s a dead ringer for The Simpsons’ Mayor Quimby.

Paroubek and Quimby

According to Yahoo News

“Not only does Paroubek bear an uncanny resemblance to Quimby but like his cartoon counterpart he also served on the city council, for four years as deputy mayor. At 52, Paroubek is also just two years younger than Quimby.”

You know, I wasn’t convinced, but with a little help from our old friend Photoshop, I-yuh, er, am a believer.

Which is which?!

Military Marvel

Marvel Military

The United States Department of Defense has teamed with Marvel Comics to create a comic book for U.S. troops.

According to the New York Times (sign in required)…

“…the story features the Fantastic Four and the New Avengers on a mission to discover the origin of an ancient spacecraft found in Louisiana.”

Over one million copies will be printed and distributed to troops as part of the D.O.D.’s “America Supports You” campaign.

Why do I see Operation Clobberin’ Time in our military’s future?

“The Art of The Incredibles” -Review

The Art of The Incredibles

The Incredibles is one of my recent favorite movies, animated or no, in recent memory, so I’m glad to report that The Art of The Incredibles is great too.

There’s not a lot of text, but, to be fair, you don’t get a book like this to ‘read’ per se. This is a book you just want to gape at and revel in pure graphic splendor.

Organized into three main sections (“Meet the Parrs,” “The Golden Years” and “Showtime”), you get an in-depth look at gobs of sketches and concept art presented big and beautifully.

Favorite art of mine included production designer (and voice of Bernie Kropp) Lou Romano’s beautiful gouache work, and character designer Teddy Newton’s pencil/markers and fascinating collages.

The Art of The Incredibles - Kari
Kari concepts by Teddy Newton

Fans of the movie will really enjoy this, as well as illustration and design devotees.

I don’t know if I’d pay $25.00 for The Art of The Incredibles, but if you can get you local public library to order it (hint hint!), by all means do!

24 Hour Comics Day

24 Hour Comics Day

Saturday was 24 Hour Comics Day and cartoonists all over the world took the challenge.

Throughout the event/ordeal cartoonists chimed in via blog.

Here are some random quotes I found entertaining:

“With the Governator in charge of Sacramento, he comes to the rescue and solves our alien crash dilemma.”

“Four words: Have a coffee bitch.”

“There’s weird smells coming from outside. Kind of distracting, but also encouraging the artists to work that little bit faster.”

“Zander: I totally set up a plot device that never got used at all.
Quillan: That’s the best part, the gift that keeps on giving.
Shad: What are you even saying Quillan?
Quillan: What does it say to you?”

“Here’s the stripeless zebra. It’s a horse. It’s a @&%@#^ horse.”

“What I wouldn’t do for a hand massage…”

Maybe I gotta try this next year…

Anyway, give the whole blog a read. It’s a lot of fun.