The Boy Does Marvel

My 4-year-old, Henry, LOVES superheroes! And lately he’s been coloring a lot.

So here’s some of his latest for you!

Below is Electro:


This is Daredevil (who’s apparently not blind to pies and cakes!):


And my fave…


Sigh… Not only is the boy funnier than me, now he can draw better too!

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You Say Potato, I Say Endless Possibilities

Aside from being a cartoonist, I’m also a dad. And part of my dad day is our pre-dessert family play time.

Often this consists of playing with our collection (four, I think) of Mr. Potato Heads. And after a few years, you can’t help but experiment a bit with the form.

So, I present some of the spuds I’m proudest of:

The Mad Scientist:

Img 4974

Turning the head and the eyes and smile upside down give it that crazy vibe, while turning the head itself over gives you that gamma-irradiated super brain look!

The Stephen King:

Img 4971

I can imagine this being an early King book – “Fore Hand.”


Img 4979

Turning the body around allows that back hatch thing to act as a nice mouth (with protruding lower lip), and you’re sorta forced to put the eyes on top. Add some raised hands your potato can have his very own philosophical crisis!

Screamer 2:

Img 4961

Again, the back hole (this time sans hatch) acts as the mouth, but I’m especially proud of the tongue in the nose hole. Turn the head upside down again and you’ve got potato that just can’t take it anymore!

And finally…

The Stegosaurus:

Img 4958

Turn in on its back, add some extra arms, and fill the front face holes with tongues and there you go!

Hope you liked ’em!

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If Lynch Gets To Talk About Trek…

I was starting to look for toys for my son for Christmas and browsing action figures at Amazon when I came across some Star Wars stuff I thought was interesting.

I’m aware that Star Wars has a million different characters offshoot books, but I’m really impressed/frightened with how deep the merchandising goes.

Check this out; it’s General Grievous from that abysmal third prequel, except that it’s not. It’s apparently what the guy looked like before he became mostly robot and got that nagging cough:


I have to admit some curiosity about the character’s origins, but this seems a bit of a reach for me.

Then there’s this Boba Fett, not as he appeared in the movies, but in his very first appearance on the 1978 Star Wars Holiday Special:


Now these two, I might actually be interested in owning. They’re action figures based on the original Ralph McQuarrie art for the movies:



Neat huh?

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