Goooooo… MEAT!

As you’ve probably surmised, I’m really into grilling.

I’m not one of these guys with the smoker trailer competing on weekends or anything, and I’m not ordering exotic spices or olive oils online, but I do love to grill.

So when my wonderful wife suggested I take some grilling classes at the local Weber Grill restaurant, I jumped at it.

They’re really fun; very much a live cooking show, except the audience is filled with doughy guys who like to talk meat.

I’ve been to three so far, and yesterday’s was all about tailgating food. They cooked a tenderloin, some chicken wings, chili, shrimp and sausage skewers, pizza… whew!

And then we get to eat it:


They also talk drinks quite a bit. Last time it was bourbons, this weekend it was beers and, at the end of the class, a margarita.

The really cool part of the margarita was, since we’re talking tailgating, the blender is gas-powered. It’s a pull-start from cryin’ out loud.

Here it is from class:



And here’s a picture from BlenderBlaster’s site:

Blender2 Large

I don’t even tailgate and I want one!

Anyway, I’m still stuffed full of various meats and I need to lie down.

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Andertoons Cartoon Blog #1000

Can you believe it? 1000 blog entries.

It’s taken about 3-1/2 years, and a few different incarnations, but the big day is finally here.

Let’s look back, shall we?

Like a lot of blogs, I began at Blogger in May of 2004, probably a good year or so before blogging really hit the mainstream. The original blog is still there, but any more, it just points to the current URL. (Here’s the very first entry, BTW…)

Things went well and I figured I could keep this up, so the blog was integrated into in August that same year.

It matched the site nicely, but between juggling Movable Type updates and issues, and the mass of content eventually confusing the search engines about what the site was really about, we separated the site and blog, and moved blogging to MT’s sister software, Typepad in July of 2005, and I’ve been here ever since. (No idea how long I’ve been using Ecto to pen my postings, but it’s right around when I switched to Mac.)

So, now the big question; is anyone reading it? Let’s go to the stats:


Took the above shot a few days ago. Not a bad comment to post ratio.


There’s been a decline in readership the last four months or so, but, to be fair, I’ve not been at my bloggy best.


Still, not too shabby… I should probably get the Google analytics code on the blog sometime to really get some good stats, but it’s about #956 on a list of 2042 things I’d like to get to. OK, on to Technorati:


Not a bad ranking, and my authority rank is OK too for what the blog is about and how much I ramble on other topics. And a fair amount of reactions as seen below:


And you, FeedBurner? What say you?


I musta been writing some good stuff in May. Again, pretty good. How’s about some Google?


#4 for “cartoon blog” as of a few days ago. I’ll take that. And approximately 716 links to it as well. OK.


Now on to the fun stuff; favorite entries. There’s a lot, so let’s break them down by topic.



Best Titles:


Inside the Cartoonists Studio:

Movie Reviews:

Blog Milestones:

Original Video:

Well, that’s about it I guess. Hope you continue to like the blog as much as I like writing it!

If anyone has any other favorite posts, lemme know!

See you at #2000!

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