Andertoons Cartoon Blog Moved


I hate moving.

When my wife and I moved into this house a few years ago, we swore we’d be here until someone wheeled us out. So when a consultant suggested I moved the Andertoons Cartoon Blog to I was more than a little hesitant.

I had the blog at Typepad for years and, frankly, it’s gigantic. There’s a huge amounts of text, pics and comments. So, instead of me doing the coding equivalent of hitting the grocery store for egg boxes, I hired a great company called Foliovision to take care of the Typepad to WordPress conversion for me.

As you can see, not only has the blog been moved with nary a character out of place, but it also matches now too! And the whole time I sat and drank my coffee saying "looks like we might get some rain today."


Anyway, the feed should be working just fine, but you’ll probably want to change your bookmark (although the old blog will redirect you automatically). And, like my house, I’m not moving again for a long looooooong time.

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TypepadToday I’m proud to be Typepad’s featured blog. I’m on their homepage with a nice little write-up, and I’m assuming some new folks are stopping by to check me out. (Regular readers please make them feel welcome and be on your best behavior. I’m looking at you, Lynch.)

Anyway, for those of you just joining us, my name is Mark Anderson and I’m a gag cartoonist in the Chicago area.

Right now my work is in your local magazine rack in Forbes, Good Housekeeping, and Reader’s Digest. I also work with a number of greeting card companies.

I’ll keep this short and get back to more substantive blogging, but before I go, please also check out my website, There’s a ton of cartoons, as well as several different daily cartoon RSS feeds.

(Bonus for TypePad users – Add a daily cartoon to your blog sidebar with a few clicks. It’s easy!)

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Daily Cartoon Typepad Widget Now Available

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For some time I’ve made available a free daily cartoon for blogs and websites. (If you haven’t seen it yet, check it out!)

It’s pretty simple to utilize; you just cut and paste some HTML code and it’s up and working.

Today, if your blog is hosted via TypePad (like everyone’s fave cartoon blog here), the news is even better.

I’m proud to unveil my TypePad “Andertoons Daily Cartoon” Widget! Just choose a category, click “Install”, sign in to your TypePad account, and you’re done! It’s that easy!

Plus, act now and we’ll include two bottles of our pet stain remover, with perma-foam applicator, absolutely free!*

This is our first widget, so we’ve done a lot of testing, and the results have been wonderful.

So, all your TypePad-ers, give it a try, and I hope you enjoy it!

*Offer not valid in any way.

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