OK, looks Andertalk is back up and running now. I’ve also made backups in a few different formats, so we should be OK (for a while at least).
Technorati Tags: andertalk, andertoons, cartoon, cartooning, cartoonist, cartoons, forum
The cartoon blog of Andertoons cartoonist Mark Anderson. He discusses his cartoons, cartooning, comics and, oddly enough, LEGO.
OK, looks Andertalk is back up and running now. I’ve also made backups in a few different formats, so we should be OK (for a while at least).
Technorati Tags: andertalk, andertoons, cartoon, cartooning, cartoonist, cartoons, forum
With the recent 1.1.3 release for iPhone, I thought I’d add some new icons to the Andertoons network.
Here they are for Andertoons, the Andertoons Blog, and Andertalk:
Of course they’ll get those rounded corners and shine when you see them in all their iPhone-y goodness.
Technorati Tags: andertalk, andertoons, cartoon, cartooning, cartoonist, cartoons, blog
Nice little thing about Bugs Bunny yesterday on NPR. It’s about six minutes or so and well worth a listen.
Technorati Tags: andertoons, cartoon, cartooning, cartoonist, cartoons
OK, I don’t remember who hipped me to Jo’s Plumbing, but I have to admit, it’s oddly enticing and revolting all at once.
It’s an interactive site for Kohler toilets in which a sexy plumber, Jo, saucily shifts her hips, and flushes things down the toilet for you.
Here’s a few poses:
What exactly will she flush? What WON’T she?!
Little shampoo bottles:
Dog food:
And my personal favorite, a nearby bra:
You’re then treated to Jo congratulating you with phrases like “That was fun! Again!” , “What else you got?” and my favorite, “Ooh… That was fun!”
Of course, should you leave her alone too long she gets pouty and bored:
And needs to stretch:
And if you mouse over just the right spot, you get a giggly, “Stop tickling!”
I’m not kidding.
I can just see the meeting where this was green-lighted…
“So this hottie stands there, and, this was Todd’s ideas… flushes stuff for you!”
“Oh, that’s hot!”
“Like what? What’s she gonna flush? She gonna cop a squat or something?”
“Jesus, Ted! No! Like, I dunno, soap and… towels and… stuff. Bathroom kinda stuff. Except for, you know, real bathroom stuff. No #1 or BMs.”
“Hey, how about dog food! That kinda looks like a BM.”
“Hey yeah! That way we don’t have to show an actual turd! Good one, Eileen!”
“They still make that gravy kind?”
“Ooh, you know what’d be sexy? She flushes… wait for it… her bra!”
“Oh yeah!” “Schweet!” “Talk to me!”
“Wait, so she’s gonna take off her bra and flush it?! Can we do that?”
“OK, maybe there’s one just lying around in there. It’s one of them naughty bathrooms.”
“Oh, OK. So were’ good then?”
Technorati Tags: andertoons
So yesterday Amazon launches the Kindle.
It looks pretty cool, and, like the iPhone, when something like this come out I immediately begin thinking of the possibilities for cartoons.
I’ve tried to see how art/grpahics look on it, but I’ve not seen anything decent in the demo videos.
I really like that there’s no plan and/or carrier to sign up for, but the overall look and feel… Meh.
To quote Cali over at GeekBrief, “my guess is I’m going to wish it was designed by Apple.”
Anyway, I’m not looking to buy this first gen, but it really does look very promising.
Technorati Tags: andertoons, business, cartoon, cartooning, cartoonist, cartoons, tech