Teacher Cartoons For Back To School

It’s coming. Soon schools will be humming again, so to get everyone in the mood I thought I’d share some more teacher cartoons!

It took a bit to find just the right font for this teacher’s bulletin board, but it was worth it.

I wrote this cartoon while doing some book surfing at Amazon.

What I like most about this is only three words, “Ninja-bots from Mars,” you get your ninjas, your robots, and invaders from another planet. Concise!

School nurses don’t get the appreciation they should. Especially the one at my 9-year-old hypochondriac’s school.

Apple pie maybe? Mmmm…

That kid might just be onto something.

In fact if it’s not a major motion picture I’d trust it even a bit more.

Teachers and Apple humor for the win!

I’m betting somewhere this is actually happening.

I once got ahold of a teacher edition for a class. It was entirely disappointing.

Inspired by my wife’s classroom helpers bulletin board.

This conference doesn’t go anywhere good after this.

Honestly I’d like to see that work. I bet it’s awesome.

I’m glad I went to college before you had to really put in any effort. Whew!

This is a pretty inside baseball sort of teacher cartoon. Learn more here.

My wife likes this teacher cartoon too.

True, but the four-letter ones are still the best.

Another one my wife likes.

A pumpkin turkey surrounded by colored eggs, snowflakes, hearts, and clovers is way fun to draw.

Good for him!

Still, maybe if he… um… uh…  I got nothin’.

Sometime soon some parent will complain about this exact thing.

That actuallyl kind of sweet.

I never understood school spirit. I still don’t.

That’s how they getcha!

This kid has a real future in politics.

I really had to research this to make sure it was right. It’s not a funny cartoon unless it’s all correct.

If I were a teacher I would totally try that.

I’m sure somewhere someone is already beginning to market a fix for this.

The old Rule of Threes never lets you down.

He’s on to you! Run!

Well, that’s it for this collection of my teacher cartoons. Hope it put you in a good mood for another school year!

Teacher Cartoons For Teacher Appreciation Week

It’s Teacher Appreciation Week, so I thought I’d share a bunch of my teacher cartoons to thank all the educators out there (my lovely wife included) for all of their hard work! Enjoy:

Teacher Cartoon #6351 by Andertoons

I hear a lot from my wife about kids that are approaching standards, meeting standards, exceeding standards, etc… So this cartoon was sort of a no-brainer.

Teacher Cartoon #6356 by Andertoons

I was originally going to do this cartoon as a piano teacher one, but I thought band directors might appreciate a cartoon too. (BTW, I know there’s also alto clef, tenor clef, etc… but for the purpose of this joke I just stuck to treble and bass.)

Teacher Cartoon #6359 by Andertoons

I hear my wife talk about her lesson plans a lot, so it was really fun to draw this bedraggled looking teacher being comforted by one of her students.

Teacher Cartoon #6362 by Andertoons

Copier manufacturers, I know schools make a lot of copies, but copiers have been around for a good while now. How about making one that doesn’t break down once a week? Please?

Teacher Cartoon #6363 by Andertoons

Another take on standards; I think “standoffish” makes this work for me.

Teacher Cartoon #6364 by Andertoons

As a parent I certainly have opinions about my kids’ education, but I try not to go quite this far.

Teacher Cartoon #6365 by Andertoons

I probably spent a good half hour looking at formulas I thought might be readable as some sort of texting acronym (LOL, WTF, etc…). Any thoughts on what that might stand for?

Teacher Cartoon #6366 by Andertoons

Being the husband of a teacher I’ve spent some time in teachers’ lounges, and lemme tell you, comfy they’re not. So why the lounge moniker?

Teacher Cartoon #6367 by Andertoons

Dogs eating homework seems so last century. Do they eat PowerPoints and PDFs now?

Teacher Cartoon #6368 by Andertoons

Ah…  Periodic table humor…

Teacher Cartoon #6369 by Andertoons

Listening to my wife talk about school sometimes is exhausting because so much of it is acronyms. I try to keep up, but I think they mint new ones daily. Help!

Teacher Cartoon #6370 by Andertoons

I’m proud to say that my permission slip signing record is perfect so far.

Teacher Cartoon #6371 by Andertoons

This cartoon took a while to figure out. I had the drawing first, but the caption came really slowly. It wasn’t until I thought “why is he giving her so many options” that it finally clicked – it doesn’t really matter why, just that he did.

Teacher Cartoon #6372 by Andertoons

I’m not much of a mashup kind of guy. It’s not that I don’t appreciate a good one, I just prefer to create content from scratch the old-fashioned way.

Teacher Cartoon #6373 by Andertoons

My daughter just got a guinea pig for her birthday, so a class pet cartoon wasn’t far behind.

Teacher Cartoon #6374 by Andertoons

There’s a lot of educational theories and approaches out there. Currently there seems to be a lot of emphasis on almost constant positive reinforcement. Which is fine I guess, but it was pretty much begging for a cartoon like this one.

Teacher Cartoon #6375 by Andertoons

I remember doing a lot of simplifying back in the day, and I always wondered if there was some guy in a room somewhere taking basic math and just making it harder. Needless to say math was not my strongest subject.

Teacher Cartoon #6376 by Andertoons

I like this kid’s thinking.

Teacher Cartoon #6377 by Andertoons

We didn’t have homework folders when I was a kid, but now they seem to be all the educational rage. Call me a traditionalist, but the old backpack stuffed with crinkled papers works just fine, thank you!

Teacher Cartoon #6378 by Andertoons

Drawing this poor tired teacher is some of the most fun I’ve had drawing in some time.

Teacher Cartoon #6379 by Andertoons

To quote Daffy Duck, “pronoun trouble.”

Teacher Cartoon #6380 by Andertoons

I’m proud to say this actually is not the only photosynthesis cartoon I’ve done!

Teacher Cartoon #6381 by Andertoons

I tend to stay away from politics in my cartoons, but this one is non-specific enough that I’m OK with it.

Teacher Cartoon #6382 by Andertoons

I’m honestly really curious what this kid wrote about.

Teacher Cartoon #6383 by Andertoons

Another cartoon that I researched a bit. I’d originally had more text about The Renaissance on the board, but decided that it read better if you weren’t distracted by more text.

Teacher Cartoon #6384 by Andertoons

Semicolons are funny. They just are.

Well, that’s it. I hope you enjoyed them all! Feel free to check out all of my teacher cartoons, and happy Teacher Appreciation Week everyone!

Cupid Cartoons For Valentine’s Day

Happy Valentine’s Day! It’s love’s big day, so to celebrate I thought I’d share some of my favorite cupid cartoons!

cupid cartoon 6078

I don’t exactly remember how this cartoon came about, but it’s fun to think of another cupid-ish being that flies around shooting more or less a strong like at you.

So instead of falling deeply in love, you maybe think “hey, that Stacy is a genuinely nice person.” Or perhaps “boy, that Frank is just fine as far as I’m concerned.”

OK, it’s not real exciting, but it can’t be all love all the time either. And the little glasses make me laugh.

cupid cartoon 1906

This is another take on the alternative cherub. but this time it’s definitely not platonic.

As you can probably tell by the art, this is a cartoon from quite early on in my career. I’m fairly sure it’s never been published, and for the most part it lives quietly in my inventory, but I did get an uppercase filled email from a woman about this cartoon years ago.

She was very offended by the idea that this seemingly nice woman was going to have a one night stand and told me in angry paragraph after angry paragraph what a terrible person I was for suggesting it.

It’s a good thing she never saw this one.

cupid cartoon 4610

You just know that flying around shooting arrows into peoples’ hearts gets boring after the first hour or two. Some friendly wagering seem inevitable.

cupid cartoon 5843

This is a twofer. It’s a Christmas cartoon and a Valentine’s Day cartoon. (And kind of a legal cartoon to boot.)

I imagine it would be hard to prove who starting using “Cupid” first, but I’m betting on the flying babies.

cupid cartoon 6082

OK, so hearts floating around a person would of course signify love, but what about clubs? And why would they have club arrows? Do they have diamonds and spades too, or just clubs? Should a club arrow be shot into another body part instead?

These are just some of the questions raised by looking at cartoons for far too long.

cupid cartoon 4612

Why would a dating service write “Dating Service” on the front of the desk?! Dang! I’m doing it again!

cupid cartoon 4545

OK, this one is a but subtle, and it took a good while to get the angle just right. In case you can’t tell that’s a heart on the far right. Apparently our little love angel is getting some target practice.

cupid cartoon 6343

This is my most recent addition which was inspired by that whole iBooks Author EULA misunderstanding. The biggest challenge here was getting the tablet to read quickly as a tablet and not just a pad of paper or a notebook or something. I hope the techie nature of the caption helps that, but you never know. In any case, this is a serious nerdy valentine.

Well that’s it for my little collection of cupid themed cartoons. Now get out there and get down to some romancing! (And throw in a little amour while you’re at it.)

And to my loyal readers…. XOXOXOXO!

Valentines Day Cartoons

Only 2 weeks now until Cupid’s big day! So, to get you in the mood, I thought I’d share some recent Valentine’s Day cartoons!


I thought of this cartoon early one morning and had to keep repeating it to myself under my breath to remember it.

This is actually pretty much how I, and I suspect most men, shop for cards. Not being comfortable with the flowery romantic stuff, we tend toward ones including the words hubby with cartoon bears that fold out like an accordion.

I’m betting the Mrs. would prefer something mushier, but, especially when you marry a cartoonist, goofy usually wins out.

(BTW, you can watch a video of me sketching this cartoon here.)


I thought of this because it’s impossible to think “box of chocolates” without thinking “life is like a.”

It’s annoying and irritating, sure, but instead of pushing past it, I decided to embrace it and finally define exactly what you’re going to get.

You’ve got your basic chocolate, your thin disappointment, your renamed knockoff (I’m looking at you, “tortoise” candies), and, my personal favorite, white.

Now you know.


This Valentine’s Day cartoon was a bit of a trick. Te idea is that more than one arrow makes the person a stalker instead of just in love. So, you have to make the guy look like something is wrong with him, but not so disturbing that the cartoon goes from funny to creepy.

After scanning in the original sketch, I spent a good amount of time in Photoshop tweaking things to get what I hope is juuuust the right expression. I hope I got it, I think I did.

Also the Cupid’s name changed a few different times. He was Larry (too funny name-ish), Lloyd (too Gary Larson-ish), Bill (not funny enough) and Phil (used too often in other cartoons). But for some reason when I was typing in the caption, Stan just worked.


This is another take on getting away from Cupid. I’ve done some more standard heart themed cartoons before (heart as organ, heart as playing card suit), but this is a decidedly different tack, heart as flowchart shape!

I actually had to look up some flowcharts to see how they looked and worked (it’s been a while), and I think this one looks complicated enough to make sense for the gag, but not so complicated that it doesn’t read quickly.

One thing I noticed almost too late was that the name I’d used in the caption started with a different letter than either of the first name initials in the heart, so I had to make a last minute change to “Debbie.”


Recently I’ve been playing with the new iBooks Author, and there’s been a bit of a kerfuffle over Apple’s EULA. Some people assume Apple is trying to make some sort of giant content grab, others assume it’s less onerous. Either way, it got me thinking about EULAs in general, and this cartoon popped out.

I think it totally makes sense that before someone shoots you in the heart with an arrow that there would be some sort of legal paperwork, and kudos to Cupid for using an iPad!

Well, I hope these get you in the mood for the big day! Feel free to check out all of my Valentine cartoons, and don’t forget to use the decoder!

Christmas Cartoons – Snowman Comics

Every year I create a nice big batch of holiday themed cartoons. I know there are other holidays other than Christmas of course, but Christmas is the one I know best, so I stick mostly to that.

I do, however, try to make sure that I include a number of winter-themed cartoons that, hopefully, will appeal to almost anyone, regardless of what they do or do not celebrate. So I do snowman cartoons, and here are a few of my favorites:

Snowmen’s coals and carrots offer a lot of cartoon possibilities. You can add additional items, substitute others, reposition them, or, in the case of this cartoon, remove them.

You’d have thought the snowman husband might have noticed the missing mouth, but then again I don’t think I’ve been able to discern my wife’s haircuts the entire time we’ve been married.

Shortly before I turned 40, I was prescribed and bought my first pair of bifocals. Nothing says “hey, guess what, you, you’re getting old! Haha! Didn’t see that coming? Did you? Know why? Because you need bifocals!!” like getting bifocals.

I’m not sure I’ve ever gotten the tilting/looking technique down. If I have I don’t know it, but I always thought it would be easier if you could just pop in an additional set of eyes, so we get this snowman cartoon.

Lucky snowman.

Remember what I was saying for the first cartoon about changing around the coals and carrot? This is another take on that idea.

Listen, carrots are great. I appreciate the help with the eyesight, and they’re nice in a salad, but let’s face it, it’s been done to death.

I applaud this snowman for taking a chance. Celery indeed! Perhaps a radish! Dare I suggest a bunch of cilantro? Regardless, you go, snowman!!

Again with the bad coal eyesight. Now that I look at these, maybe it’s time to branch out into, well branches.

Surely there are some snowman arm jokes to be mined. Big thick branches for a snowman bodybuilder? It’s something to think about.

OK, well that’s going to do it for now. Feel free to browse all of my snowman cartoons, and be sure to stock up on coal and carrots!!

Happy holidays!