Boy Genius

Yesterday I was talking with my wife about a number of cartoon ideas I was fleshing out. A number of them, for some reason, revolved around pirates.

Well, my soon-to-be-three-year-old son overheard and decided he’d do his own cartoon, just like Daddy.

Here’s his gag, word for word: “One pirate says to another pirate ‘I’m tired of eating toast,’ so the other one gives him a muffin.”

And here’s his art:


OK, it’s a little sketchy, so here’s how he explained it to me:


No bad for how young he is, and, honestly, he sort of copied the basic construction of my idea, which is: Pirate to another – “I’m tired of ‘first mate.’ How about ‘co-pirate?'”

My wife and I have discussed children following their parents into careers, and specifically cartoonists, their children, and the numerous undead ‘legacy strips.’ And while I can’t say I want the boy to follow so closely in my footsteps, I can see how flattering it could be.

Anyway, not bad eh?

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Photoshop Fills

Cartoonist Jason Chatfield was kind enough to offer some Photoshop shortcut advice to me after seeing me muddle through coloring an upcoming greeting card.

His fill bucket advice alone would save me tons, and I mean TONS, of time when coloring, but the thing I can never get past is this…

OK, here’s a circle I drew with the brush:


Now, using the fill bucket, I click inside the circle:


Good right? But the thing that always bugs me is this slight white line separating the original outline and the fill:


I’m really showing my PS ignorance here, but I’m not too proud to ask for a little help.

Anyone know how to get around this?

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Daily Cartoon Typepad Widget Now Available

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For some time I’ve made available a free daily cartoon for blogs and websites. (If you haven’t seen it yet, check it out!)

It’s pretty simple to utilize; you just cut and paste some HTML code and it’s up and working.

Today, if your blog is hosted via TypePad (like everyone’s fave cartoon blog here), the news is even better.

I’m proud to unveil my TypePad “Andertoons Daily Cartoon” Widget! Just choose a category, click “Install”, sign in to your TypePad account, and you’re done! It’s that easy!

Plus, act now and we’ll include two bottles of our pet stain remover, with perma-foam applicator, absolutely free!*

This is our first widget, so we’ve done a lot of testing, and the results have been wonderful.

So, all your TypePad-ers, give it a try, and I hope you enjoy it!

*Offer not valid in any way.

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