It’s taken me a while to decide whether or not Flickr is useful, but after taking a hundred or so pics of my Spider-Man toys, I’ve caught the bug.
Here’s a collection of rejection slips I’ve gotten over the years. So far there’s only six, but I’ve got more sitting next to the scanner.
I’ve also started a group for people to upload their own rejection slips.
So, now I’m on Flickr too. Yeesh…
Technorati Tags: andertoons, cartooning, cartoonists, cartoons, magazine
Thanks for these. I'm going to blatantly copy your concept for my blog!
— Rip off Mike
This is the next step for me- sending in a submission to BE rejected!
I heard once that you'll probably be able to wallpaper a room in rejections before you get one published.
Who are you kidding? You collect a lot more acceptance slips than rejection slips these days! And so does Mike Lynch! A plague on both your inkpots!
Mark, the NYKR do have one or two slightly different wordings – but all with the same meaning; ultimately. I've had the same letter as Mike got from MU about her liking a cartoon but The Heff not being willing to buy. I no longer consider Playboy a relevent cartoon market though.
I still get rejection slips, but one or two publications just aren't worth sending to these days.
LOL! Oh, I still get PLENTY of rejection…
I've stopped sending to Playboy. I do so few cartoons in that vein, and to do a batch just for them seems silly.