Mo’ Mo

Over the weekend I set up my old Mac to be the kids’ computer in the family room.

So far the boy LOVES the games at Between the Lions, and the games at Pigeon Presents, especially Elephant and Piggie’s Dance Game.

And what game is good without a cheat code?!

Here’s how to get Piggie to dance on Elephant’s head:

Choose Air Piggie and Elephant Slide to play together. See?


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Disappointing Cards

Every so often I’ll find some cards on Ebay and get excited, only to be disappointed when the deck arrives. These next two are in that vein.

Dunno a thing about Minna No Tabo, but there were only three distinct cards in the deck that I spent not an inconsiderable amount to have shipped over from Japan. Sigh…

2008 01 26 14 54 23.Pdf000

It’s awesome that a set of Hatlo “They’ll Do It Every Time” canasta cards even exists, but, again, just the one cartoon on the front. The backs are your standard card faces. See it here…

2008 07 19 13 00 21.Pdf000

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