Spider-Man Mad Libs

Spider-Man Mad Libs

It’s just a week now until The Amazing Spider-Man comes out, so to keep you busy until then, I thought I’d share this 1981 Spider-Man Mad Libs book! (Click the image above to download the PDF.)

There’s a fun story with Electro…

Spider-Man Mad Libs 1

…and one where Spidey fights the most horrible evil of all, costume odor!

Spider-Man Mad Libs 2

Feel free to download, print, and have fun with Spider-Man Mad Libs!

Awful Superhero Halloween Costumes I’d Love To See – Bug Catcher Spider-Man

This week’s awful costume I’d like to see made real is from a toy I used to have on a shelf in my office, Bug Catcher Spider-Man:

bug catcher spiderman

You know, if this was Insect Catcher Spider-Man, I’d be less concerned, but “bug” is so non-specific…

There’s all kinds of awesome details to this costume, so don’t miss checking out all my old pics. And, please, someone put this costume in production!

Adventure Hero Spider-Man

adventure hero spiderman

While checking my Flickr stats recently I noticed that this old set (2006!) of my weird Spider-man Adventure Hero toy pics had recently gotten insane amounts of views. (Thanks, io9!)

So in case you missed them five years ago, or again just a few days ago, you really owe it to yourself to see Spider-Man dressing up as an archer, a fisherman, and a bug catcher.
