Andertoons in the Smithsonian


As posted recently, my family and I just got back from a two-week road trip from Chicago to Washington DC and points between. It was just an incredible trip, but one of the most exciting and surprising moments involved one of my cartoons.

A few years ago I was contacted by someone at the Smithsonian who was setting up an exhibit that included a history of the food pyramid. They wanted to add my USDA Canine Food Pyramid cartoon at the end of the exhibit just for fun. I of course agreed immediately. As the years went by I wondered occasionally where it ended up, how it might have been used, and if it was even still on display anymore, but figured it was something I’d never get to see.

So one of the vacations stops was the Smithsonian National Museum of American History. We were in the FOOD: Transforming the American Table 1950–2000 exhibit. I was admiring the old Marvel Slurpee cups when my wife yelled “Mark! Mark, it’s you!” I walked over and was flabbergasted to see my cartoon on display.

I could not believe it. Never in a million years would I have thought we’d stumble across it on our vacation.

The Mrs. and I took it all in, showed it to the kids, took loads of pics, and then surreptitiously watched other visitors discover and share the cartoon.

I have to say, it was an incredible experience. And a huge thanks to my wife for keeping an eye out for it. I hadn’t even thought to look!

Here’s some more pics of it:





Dog Cartoons – The Sequel!

Dogs are just plain funny.

Their unrestrained joy every time they see you, the way they tilt their heads when they’re confused (which is pretty much always with our pooch), the running and yipping in their sleep… Funny!

Writing and drawing dog cartoons would be almost too easy if it weren’t for the bajillions that have already been done since, oh, I dunno, cavemen drew on walls! Still, I enjoy a challenge, and I think these are pretty doggone good. Enjoy:

There’s just something inherently funny about making dogs salivate by ringing a bell. I know it was important scientifically and all that, but it’s mostly just funny.

This comic appears in my collection of dog cartoons that I sell at art fairs, and I’d say it’s the one I get asked most about when people are leafing through the book. There’s always a risk of confusing a reader when you’re asking them to bring something to a cartoon, but for those who get it, this is a favorite.

I don’t draw sheep well, so I was glad to hide most of them under the table and behind the window. That collie though, that’s a nice looking dog.

I wrote this one while cleaning up my dog after she’d apparently discovered the Great North American Mud Depository in our back yard. I said “good girl” as I washed her, but I didn’t really mean it.

That being said, I can’t help but feel a little sorry for this particular pooch.

It took me a long time to figure out what to leave out of a cartoon. When I started I would’ve drawn an entire park scene with trees and people and whatnot. It takes years of cartooning experience to know when a torso is enough.

I know it seems like resume padding, but to a dog those are very different skills.

Dog Cartoon #6205 by Andertoons

Based on the famous Peter Steiner cartoon, I just updated it a bit technologically.

Well, that’s it, I hope you’ve enjoyed them. And feel free to check out all of my dog cartoons!

(Like this blog? Check out my previous dog cartoon blog too!)

Dog Cartoons!

Dog cartoons are some of my favorite to do.

There’s an awful lot of really good low-hanging material to play with: fetch, tail wagging, being man’s best friend… Then there’s the wealth of idioms: every dog has its day, sick as a dog, it’s a dog eat dog world for example. And if you want you can go pretty deep: Pavlov,  different breeds, Westminster…  Not to mention they’re fun to draw and even more fun to anthropomorphize!

So today and next Tuesday the Andertoons Cartoon Blog is going to the dogs! Enjoy:

I have to admit I’ve done this with my own dog. There’s just something so funny about watching her look for a ball that’s not there. It must drive her crazy.

This is one of those cartoons where I can’t really explain why it’s funny to me. The casual banter over brandy in the middle of a rescue just makes me really happy.

I normally steer away from subjects like blindness for fear of offending someone, but this seemed gentle enough, and I just couldn’t resist.

This came to me while I was buying dog food at the store. I imagined separate bags marked ‘kibbles” and “bits,” and then that scene from When Harry Met Sally came to mind. Who knew Alpo and Ephron would mix?

This one began with the image first as sort of a brain teaser for myself. What had this dog done that had created those results? In the end it ended up being not about the cause, but just being happy.

Dog Cartoon #6239 by Andertoons

Sparky was eventually acquitted and now lives quietly with his tail in rural Iowa.

I hope you enjoyed this mini collection of dog cartoons! See you again next week, and feel free to browse more here.

(BTW, don’t miss the sequel to this entry!)

Pics Around the House

I was working on sending out paks of cartoons today, as well as sending out some Ebay stuff, drawing new cartoons, and working on an elaborate hobo illustration. So, neatnik that I am, I thought a shot of my desk at its worst might be interesting:

Img 1424

I even thought this picture of our dog, Satchel, posing pretzel-like, might be the pic of the day:

Img 1437

But then, while playing with my son in his room, there was a rather loud noise, and something big sliding quickly down his window. I ran downstairs to find this in the back yard:

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OK, not a huge deal, but I just paid a boatload to have a giant willow taken down after a big storm. Why do my trees all hate me?!

Pretty good, but, the pic of the day has to be this:

Img 1426

What is it, you ask? My wife is a wonderful baker, and baked two loaves of cinnamon swirl break from scratch this afternoon. This is the dough, freshly risen. (It’s covered in saran wrap.)

Here’s the final product:

Img 1441

A good day for pictures!

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