
TypepadToday I’m proud to be Typepad’s featured blog. I’m on their homepage with a nice little write-up, and I’m assuming some new folks are stopping by to check me out. (Regular readers please make them feel welcome and be on your best behavior. I’m looking at you, Lynch.)

Anyway, for those of you just joining us, my name is Mark Anderson and I’m a gag cartoonist in the Chicago area.

Right now my work is in your local magazine rack in Forbes, Good Housekeeping, and Reader’s Digest. I also work with a number of greeting card companies.

I’ll keep this short and get back to more substantive blogging, but before I go, please also check out my website, Andertoons.com. There’s a ton of cartoons, as well as several different daily cartoon RSS feeds.

(Bonus for TypePad users – Add a daily cartoon to your blog sidebar with a few clicks. It’s easy!)

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Wright On!

So the Mrs. and I were lucky enough to have one more day out together (thanks to her folks) before we take the back-to-school-and-taking-care-of-the-kids-while-juggling-cartooning plunge.

We’re lucky enough to live pretty close to an embarrassing amount of Frank Lloyd Wright homes, including his first home and studio:

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As well as Unity Temple, one of Wright’s favorite commissions:

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Unfortunately, the groundbreaking poured concrete is showing some wear:

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I’m pretty sure Wright didn’t design these:

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I also picked up this new addition to my office at a nearby store:

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