LEGO Santa Claus Mech

LEGO Santa Claus Mech 1

Ho-ho-whoa! All the reindeer can relax, Santa’s got himself a giant robot to deliver toys this year!

I hope you’ve been good, because if not…

LEGO Santa Claus Mech Naughty Arm

But if you’re good…

LEGO Santa Claus Mech Nice Arm

Oh my, that’s not really better, is it?

Here’s a few more action shots of this big poseable LEGO mech:

LEGO Santa Claus Mech 2
LEGO Santa Claus Mech 3

You can move the shoulders, elbows, wrists, fingers, waist, hips, knees, and ankles. Here’s a look behind:

LEGO Santa Claus Mech Rear

He’s got all the toys nestled safely between the rockets there. And here’s Santa in the cockpit:

LEGO Santa Claus Mech Cockpit

One last thing…  Elves, when you’re shining up the mech, please please be careful…

LEGO Santa Claus Mech Toys

You can see all the pics in large, big, and super huge giant over at Flickr.

Check out my Robot Santa from a few years ago too!

Door County

The Mrs. and I are just back from a few days in Door County, WI, and I thought I’d share just a few pics:

fish creek

Fish Creek as dusk

fish boil

A fish boil boiling over


View from our B&B balcony


Sailing with the Mrs.

Nice right? Well, back to the old grindstone.