Andertoons 2.0 – Ratings

Rate1We have a lot of brand new features at the new Andertoons, but the one I think is the most fun so far is our new ratings system

Again, I was thinking a lot about Web 2.0 and allowing visitors to interact a bit more, and, to be honest, ratings seemed long overdue.

It’s pretty simple – click on the arrows and give a cartoon a rating from 1 star (mostly reserved for terrible puns and cartoons that don’t make sense) to 5 stars (take THAT New Yorker!).

The stars are then averaged over the number of times the cartoon had been rated and that rating is displayed.

The really fun part is the highest rated cartoons are then displayed on the home page, on by topic on each main topic page (business cartoons, for example).

Here’s the thing though – cartoons rated 5 stars having been voted on only once will rise to the top. I’m no math whiz, so anyone got am idea to get around this? Maybe only show cartoons as “popular” is voted on more than once?

Anyway, it’s a minor point, and the ratings are already proving incredibly popular. And I’m really enjoying seeing people enjoy the cartoons!

So click away, and have fun rating! I promise I won’t get my feelings hurt. 🙂

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