Yes. In Fact, I Would Like a Hawaiian Punch.

Read about the passing of Jan Svochak over at Cartoon Brew, and I immediately thought about this game my neighbors across the street had when I was a kid:

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What you’d do is make a little pineapple out of Play-Doh and move it around the board. I don’t remember the rules, but I do remember that transcendant moment when you could take your big plastic guy and say “How’d you like a nice Hawaiian Punch?!” and smash their pineapple!


God, how I coveted that game.

I’m sure parents came to loathe Punchie, but those commercials and that stupid game brought me a not insignificant amount of joy when I was a kid. Thanks Mr. Svochak.

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Further Proof I’m a Child in a Man’s Body

OK, those of you waiting for another big Andertoons announcement, this is not it.

Remember a while ago when I tracked down and bought a Bug Catcher Spider-Man? Well now he has some company.

Please welcome to the Andertoons office, Archer Spider-Man, and Fisherman Spider-Man!

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As if “Adventure Hero” wasn’t enough, these two are

“Outdoor Heroes!”

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The back of the box

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Fish, Spidey! FISH!

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Arch, Spidey! ARCH!

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What an out of the box experience!

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The bane of every parent.

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This is the figure that started my obsession with crappy

Spider-Man toys a few years ago. Welcome home Spidey.

Come on in, the water’s fine.

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LOVE the fishing overalls! Gotta keep that webbing dry!

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God is in the details.

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The view from behind.

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I think this is the best Adventure Hero hat yet!

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Wait a minute, this is Adventure Pimp Spider-Man!

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The Spider-Pole!

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The crazy part, is this pole actually functions.

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He’s actually using a spider lure. Too cool!

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LOVE the tackle box.

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A look inside.

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The whole package. Schweet!

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A little closer.

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Work it! Work it!

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I’m coming for YOU, Namor!

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On to Archer Spider-Man…

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It’s easy to have six-pack abs when they’re outlined in black

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The same boots as Bug Catcher Spidey, but with a new

green accent. Sharp!

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OK, the back of the vest is kinda late 80’s Michael Jackson,

but still…

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Again, the same pants as Bug Catcher, now green.

(Sorry about the blur…)

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No one knows how to accessorize like our favorite

wall crawler.

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Now if I can just fine some velcro deer…

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Spidey spares no expense.

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Again, the bow actually works.

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A close-up…

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The whole package.

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My cool sense is tingling!

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My “I Want This For My Office” Sense Is Tingling!

Back when I worked my last day gig, some buddies and I would head out to the mall at lunch to escape our unholy ass-clown pig of a boss (double Office Space score!) and cruise the video game, DVD and toy stores while we bitched about the aforementioned management.

One day I ran across this:


That’s right — a FIsherman Spider-man action figure. With tackle box!

Apparently when ol’ Petey wants to sit back and relax, he dons his costume and some similarly-themed accoutrement, and heads out to catch some fish.

I waited for weeks, nay, months, for this “action” figure to go on clearance (I mean it was only a matter of time), but it just disappeared one day, and my long search began.

It’s been over a year, but I finally found a place that’ll sell me one!

Not only that, but they also carry the other “Adventure Hero” webslingers! Including my ironic favorite…


The thing is, the website is based across the pond, and the shipping is kinda steep.

Still, it’s Fisherman Spider-man!

Oh, the turmoil! (Stay tuned…)

UPDATE: I just had a nice textbook sale and that seems like an omen to me (don’t ask how, I can justify anything!) so I’m buying ’em baby!

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