Avengers Coloring/Puzzle Book Asks You To Solve the Puzzle In Hulk’s Pants

So The Avengers comes out in just a few days and, if you’re like me, you can barely contain yourself. Need a way to keep yourself busy while you wait? Try this 1983 Marvel coloring/puzzle book!

Captain America, Hulk, Thor, and Iron Man are summoned by Blue Star to find the magic pencils and help him defeat Ashius to save the planet Fireball! But Ashius isn’t alone, you’ll also be fighting Red Skull, Rhino  and Loki!

Can you help the heroes touch their magic pencils together (I’m not kidding) in time to save Blue Star?

Click the cover to download the whole book as a PDF, and enjoy some sample pages below:

Avengers Coloring Book Cover

Avengers Coloring/Puzzle Book Inside Cover

Avengers Coloring/Puzzle Book Blue Star

Avengers Coloring/Puzzle Book Ashius

Avengers Coloring/Puzzle Book - Hulk Pants Maze

Fantastic Four Vs. The Frightful Four Coloring Book – 1983

fantastic four coloring book cover

I love old coloring books, but I especially love old superhero coloring books. And the goofier they are the better!

Take this 1983 Fantastic Four vs. The Frightful Four for example:

fantastic four coloring book thing 2

You’ve got to love the Hulk magazine that The Thing is reading, but my favorite parts are the photos of Dr. Doom and The Mole Man (?) on the wall.

fantastic four coloring book hotrod 3

You’d think that a guy who can light himself on fire and fly would get enough thrills, but apparently he needs a fast car too. With flames on it no less! Hee-hee!

fantastic four coloring book breakfast 4

And what excitable boy doesn’t want to color breakfast!? WOO! Pancakes to power! Toast to speed!

Aren’t those fun!? Anyway, feel free to click here and download a PDF of the whole thing.

Sit On The Kingpin’s Lap

1983 spiderman christmas

What’s not to love about this 1983 Spider-Man Dallas Times Herald supplement?!

I’m curious if that was for Dallas only(?) or if it was available to other papers as well?  Looks like Marvel only did these for a few years, and it was spotty at best.

Anyone have any other info on the Marvel Newspaper Network?

And, oh yes, I LOVE the Kingpin Santa!  Hee-hee!

(Thanks to Comics ‘n’ Things for the heads up!)