Fourth Best Doughnut

4th best donut

This really did happen. We were driving home and he actually says "this is the fourth best doughnut I’ve ever had!"

As soon as we hit a stop light I jotted it down on the back of a bank receipt. It sat in my office in the idea box for months until this morning at 4 AM when, for reasons I don’t pretend to understand, the other three doughnuts popped into my head.

I knew if I got up to write them down I’d wake up the Mrs, so I repeated them under my breath over and over until I figured they’d stick in my head.

I got up around 5, got my coffee, and a few hours later I had what you see above. It was so much fun to draw!

Anyway, hope you enjoy it!

2 thoughts on “Fourth Best Doughnut”

  1. That is the dough-nuttiest …… VERY cute ! The fourth best is just a hoot ! The Batvarian looks really good.

  2. Hilarious! I love the donut hole sidekick. This a great example of clean humor that is actually funny and relate-able. Keep up the good work!

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