Andertoons Podcast Opening

Since last week was mostly “how sick is Mark?” updates, and, let’s face it, my blogging hasn’t exactly been stellar lately, I thought I really owed everyone a good one this time around.

I’ve been considering doing a weekly podcast as of late, and I thought it would probably need some sort of opening sequence. Enjoy:

It’s rather heavily inspired by the old “Mutual of Omaha’s Wild Kingdom” opening.

The music is all original; well, as original as you can get via Garage Band. The rest was all done in iMovie.

Still no idea whether or not I’ll commit to the podcast, but it was fun to stretch some other creative muscles for a bit.

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5 thoughts on “Andertoons Podcast Opening”

  1. What a lot of fun this is. Two inky thumbs way up.

    I laughed out loud when you pointed to something offscreen. And the music is great! OK, you've got a great form, now all you need is a bit of content! Hope it all comes together.

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