Andertoons 2.0 – Free Cartoons Redesign

One of the most popular feature at everyone’s favorite cartoon site, is the blog-sidebar-ready free daily cartoon.

On the last site, you’d enter what subject you wanted the HTML code for, wait for the email to direct you to the correct code, go to that page, get the code and then, presumably, you’d head to your site to install it.

That’s a lot of back and forth. It worked, and a lot of people used it, but I really wanted to streamline the process. Hence, the new free cartoons page:

Free Cartoons

OK, first big change, instead of a bunch of text and graphics explaining how it works, I just added the thing to my own site so you can wee it work live. (Why didn’t I think of this like 2 years ago?!)

Free Cartoons 5

The other major change is that the code now appears ready to cut and paste into your own HTML immediately after choosing a topic:

Free Cartoons 3

We even added a Select All button for the CTRL-A challenged.

The Typepad Widget stuff is here too, and makes a cartoon on your Typepad blog just two clicks away. (I’m hoping to add WordPress availability later this year.)

A minor addition is some FAQ/Help stuff about the free cartoon thingy right on the page.

Free Cartoons 4

Anyway, all of this should make it even easier to add some Andertoons to your blog or site.

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