Chicagoland Cartoonists Cabal

Calling all Chicagoland cartoonists!

I’ve just started a Meetup group for cartoonists here in the windy city and the breezy suburbs. There’s a lot of cartoonists out here, and we hardly ever get together, so I’m trying to jump start things.

Anyway, I’m figuring we’ll meet at a local bookstore or coffee shop to gab, share and complain.

There’s no cost to participate, so, all you Chicago folk, let’s meet!

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My Office – One Year Later

About a year ago I blogged about the office I got when we bought new new house.

I got a lot of grief about how clean it was, so I thought, one year later, I’d give you another look:

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My inbox, and Pinchy the unfinished robot

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My desk; not too bad

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Lots more books than last time. And this…

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…my Dwight bobble head!

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Where “the magic” happens.

All in all, a respectable amount of clutter, without being overrun. Not too bad.

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The Future of Gag Cartoons


Mike Lynch was kind enough to point out a really interesting post from Scott Kurtz about possible future webcomic/traditional comic hybrids. (Just keep it away from the Cylons!)

It got me thinking about the future of my own often ignored little corner of the cartoon world.

Not so much about content per se; I’m not concerned with being topical or following the current humor flavor. But delivery, marketing, technology… That’s the stuff that fascinates me most.

Myself, a number of other cartoonists, and, of course, the 800 pound monocle, have found ways to earn a living online, or, at the very least, supplement traditional revenue streams. But I’m always wondering what’s next…

That iPhone looks promising. I think it’s probably the first device of its kind that would make reading comics and cartoons on your cell easy and enjoyable. Is there a market there? Will people pay for it? Is it more of a marketing tool to get people to your site?

There’s a lot of cartoon stock houses online, and I’ve considered expanding Andertoons similarly, but how can that system be improved? More cartoonist control? More user interaction? Do I even want to go there?

What about animation? I worked in Flash for a few months to varying degrees of artistic success, but do gag cartoons translate well? Would a static image with an audio track suffice? How much animation is enough?

Got me, but I can tell you one thing, if there’s a leading edge of gag cartooning, that’s where I’m most interested in being.

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A Day Downtown

My mother-in-law was kind enough to come over and help the Mrs. over the weekend (my wife’s left arm is in a cast thanks to a recent tumble) so I could take a day downtown to cleanse the ol’ soul for a bit.

First stop – the Museum of Contemporary Art for the Massive Change: The Future of Global Design exhibit:

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More from the MCA:

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Even their staircase is cool!

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Lots o’ graphic novels and cartoon art in the gift shop!

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Then on to the Mauldin exhibit at the Jean Albano gallery:

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No pics allowed inside, but it was fabulous! I LOVE seeing original art like this. The white-out, the pencil marks, the variations on the black washes… It’s cartooning geek heaven!

One last stop at a comic book store. Not much of note there, but this sign made me laugh:

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A wonderful brain-soothing day out! Thanks again to my mother-in-law for helping around the house so I could indulge myself for a day!

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