I’m Sick, GNAC Show, And An Andertoons Contest

Sorry for the lack of posts, responses, and comments on other blogs recently. In addition to settling back into a much leaner cartooning schedule, I’ve spent the last week and a half with a killer sinus/ear infection.

The good news is I’m on some great painkillers, so I’m looking forward to looking at this weeks cartoons in a few weeks.

I’m also looking forward to this weekend in New Yawk with Mike Lynch at the GNAC! If you’re nearby, come and listen to me try to sounds like I know what I’m talking about.

Also, my advertising began today on three different blogs. The first person who can email me and correctly identify one of the participating blogs, will get a special prize!

OK, that’s it for now… I’m going to lay back down…

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Yes. In Fact, I Would Like a Hawaiian Punch.

Read about the passing of Jan Svochak over at Cartoon Brew, and I immediately thought about this game my neighbors across the street had when I was a kid:

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What you’d do is make a little pineapple out of Play-Doh and move it around the board. I don’t remember the rules, but I do remember that transcendant moment when you could take your big plastic guy and say “How’d you like a nice Hawaiian Punch?!” and smash their pineapple!


God, how I coveted that game.

I’m sure parents came to loathe Punchie, but those commercials and that stupid game brought me a not insignificant amount of joy when I was a kid. Thanks Mr. Svochak.

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Redone To Death

Mark Heath has been kind enough to pick up the Trek effects slack while Mike Lynch is enjoying some well earned unplugged time, and blogged today about this announcement from Paramount:

The original 1960s Star Trek series will receive a high-tech makeover and return to broadcast syndication for the first time in 16 years, with digitally remastered episodes, Paramount announced. In honor of the show’s 40th anniversary, CBS Domestic Television is releasing all 79 episodes with new special effects and music on 200 stations, beginning Sept. 16. The first batch of episodes will be chosen from a list of fan favorites.

The original special effects will be replaced with computer-generated images, including the exterior of the Starship Enterprise, based on the exact measurements of the original model, now resting in the Smithsonian Institution in Washington, D.C. The main title sequence will also be redone with new effects and a new digital stereo soundtrack re-recorded by an orchestra and a female singer. William Shatner’s classic original recording of the 38-word “Space, the final frontier …” monologue has been remastered and continues to open each episode.

All of the space scenes, alien landscapes and ships—including the Romulan Bird of Prey and Klingon Battle Cruisers—will be updated as well. The remastered episodes have been converted from the original film into a high-definition format, which gives viewers a clearer, crisper, more vibrant picture, even when viewed in standard definition.

I know a lot of folks, including certain cartooning comrades, are excited about this update, but I’m less enthralled with the idea. Honestly, people, can’t we leave anything alone anymore?!

I was watching the classic Daffy Duck cartoon, “Duck Amuck,” with my three-year-old this afternoon, and I noticed this:

Duck Amuck

Do you see it? Look closer. (Hint – look at the guitar)

GASP! This “guitar” only has three strings! AND, it has FOUR pegs!

Let’s fix it! Everyone know the correct six strings would be way funnier. Hey, while we’re at it, how about replacing all the backgrounds with photo-realisitc landscapes! Ooh! And let’s get rid of all of the original animation and give all the WB cartoons the ol’ Pixar treatment!

“No!” you shout?

I agree, and I feel exactly the same way about the original Star Trek shows.

Were it up to me, I’d leave the old Trek as-is. (OK, maybe some cleanup to keep the picture bright and sharp, but that’s it.)

It’s kind neat to see the experimental updating of the effects, but it doesn’t make me love the show any more or less. To be honest, the whole thing smacks of a Lucasian way to squeeze more cash out of the fans through occasional repackaging.

Count me out…

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