Welcome to yet another Inside the Cartoonist’s Studio! Today we welcome wonderfully funny cartoonist Stephanie Piro whose Six Chix and Fair Game cartoons appear in publications nation-wide!
What’chu talkin’ ’bout, Willis?
1) If you were to cast a movie entirely with cartoon characters, what movie would it be and who would star in it?
I would do a movie version of “Sex in the City” with Betty and Veronica , Katie Keen, Aunt Fritzi Ritz and Brenda Starr (ok, so there’s 5 instead of 4. I had to get Brenda Starr in there). These hot babes would plow through some x-rated action and spicy dialogue with a variety of male comic super stars, including Archie, Lil’ Abner, Beetle Baily, Mark Trail, Superman and Basil St. John as Mr. Big. Cameos by Blondie and Lana Lang. How could this miss!
2) You’re a syndicate editor launching a new comic strip. What’s the worst possible title you can think of?
“Bangs” the story of a hairdresser and the customers who frequent her shop. Wait a minute, I submitted that idea once. Then I changed it to “Charmers”. It was still rejected. Maybe I should go back to “Bangs”??
3) A light bulb over a cartoon’s head signifies an idea, while a string of random characters denotes swearing. Invent a new cartooning icon and what it means.
A champagne glass makes a nice icon. It would appear over a character’s head whenever she decides to go to a bar or club. A lawnmower could appear over someone’s head who is hard at work. Actually, now I love these icons! I want to use them! Feel free to make them your own!
I have to admit, I’ve always had a thing for Brenda Starr, so this “Sex in the City” sounds great to me!
Thanks so much, Stephanie, for playing along and giving some really great answers!
Please check out Stepahnie’s site, Six Chix, Fair Game and Strip T’s! All are guaranteed to be Piro-rific!
(BTW, how ’bout that snazzy new ITCS graphic?)
Stephanie's SEX AND THE CITY casting choice would really be workable! And let's not forget that she has a terrific line of t-shirts and jewelery and all sorts of other holiday presents at her Web site! Go Stephanie!
I'm glad you brought that stuff up Mike! Plenty of Piro products for procrastinating peopl!
Oh, I like the new graphic — but maybe the cartoonist him/herself could draw up a little something — ala Chris Browne. For instance, it would be fun to see self-caricatures of the different cartoonists at their drawing boards. Now, I gotta go and shop at http://www.stephaniepiro.com!
I think that's something we're going to try to get more of in ITCS. I'm going to at least ask cartoonists to send art along if they like. We'll see what happens. I am enjoying having the blog be more graphic lately…