Henry’s Sinister Six – Doc Ock

My five-year-old son, Henry, loves Spider-Man. Well, to be fair he pretty much loves all things superhero, but Spider-Man holds a special place in his heart.

So last week I let him check out a DVD of a recent animated Spidey kids show, Spectacular Spider-Man, and he get really into the episode where Peter fights the Sinister Six, which, in this incarnation, includes Doc Ock, Rhino, Shocker, Vulture, Electro and Sandman:


After watching the episode twice in a row for his daily TV time, he got to work at his art desk drawing pics of each villain. When he was done he gave them all to me and said I could put them on my blog.

Who could resist?!

So this week I'm featuring the boy's handiwork with a new villain each day. First up? Doc Ock:

2009 05 16 10 43 40

More tomorrow…

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Kids Art

We just finished some family cartoon time (AKA Daddy has a tight deadline and needs the kids occupied so he can work time), and I promised the wee ones I’d post their art on my blog.

Bonnie (2 years old) worked on this one for a good hour and 15 minutes:


And Henry (5 years old) drew three Batman themed comics:




My favorite part of the whole experience? Henry just came in as I was writing this and said “Hey Dad, has anyone bought mine yet?”

That’s my boy!

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The Boy Does Marvel

My 4-year-old, Henry, LOVES superheroes! And lately he’s been coloring a lot.

So here’s some of his latest for you!

Below is Electro:


This is Daredevil (who’s apparently not blind to pies and cakes!):


And my fave…


Sigh… Not only is the boy funnier than me, now he can draw better too!

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Preschool Debriefing

I mentioned a few days ago that I was going to draw some cartoons for my son’s preschool class. Well, I did it, and it went even better than I’d hoped.

I started by saying “you know how Mom or Dad go to work every day? They might go to an office, or a factory, or wherever… Well, you know what my job is? I stay home all day and draw funny pictures. I have the best job in the whole wide world.”

Then I asked them if they wanted me to draw a dog or a cat. “DOG!” they all yelled.

DoggieI drew two little dots to start the eyes and then an idea hit me…

“Is it a dog yet?” I asked. “NO!” they yelled.

Then the larger circle for the nose. “How about now? Is that a dog now?”

Again a raucous “NO!” Someone called out “That’s a nose!”

It went on like this for a good while until the dog was all done.

Then we did a cat, the Easter bunny, a fish and a shark.

With the shark I kept erasing parts of his face to make him do different things: look scary, smile, eat fish food, and go to sleep after his big meal. (A nearby turtle looked understandably relieved.)

The thing that honestly really surprised me was that I hadn’t really planned anything. I was told it’d be five minutes at the most, and twenty minutes of weirdly spontaneous inspiration later (teacher approved, I might add), I finally wrapped it up to a unison “thank you, Mr. Anderson!”

Henry just beamed the entire time.

At one point he was so excited he stood up in the middle of his indian-seat-styled classmates and started to take a step toward me, realized it, and then sat down again.

I tell you, there’s nothing more satisfying than living up to your children’s expectations.

(BTW, click the dog graphic and you can grab a copy of the coloring page I handed out. If anyone wants to color it and send it back I’ll post them all later.)