Good News (Worth The Wait…)

OK, so I haven’t exactly been the paragon of blog update virtue as of late, but this time I have a really good reason. A couple, actually…

The Anderson family is expecting again! (Feel free to dance vicariously. I’ll wait…)

Yep, as my college roommate put it, I got another one past the goalie! We’re thrilled, and as a result, we’re trying to sell our starter home and find something bigger for the kids to destroy. (I told you I was busy.)

Our families and we have been getting the house ready to sell at a breakneck pace. Painting, planting, cleaning… It’s been like an Amish barn raising!

Check it out…

Not bad, eh?

Anyway, I thought you deserved an explanation. I should be more or less back into a normal schedule this week. Thanks for hanging in there!

It’s Fresh! (Fresh!) Exciiiiiting!

Yes, I’m back. It was nice to take a bit of time off, but I did miss blogging.

In my off-time I’ve been working on various projects in an effort to tie everything down before my wife goes back to teaching and getting her masters, and I go back to raising the boy full-time

One of my projects was getting the blog back in line. Like the new header graphic? I’ve been getting some good messages about it. I took it on my desk in the office and photoshopped it a tad. I’m pretty happy with it, and I think it separates the blog nicely from the main site.

I’ve also reinserted the Bloglines and MyYahoo subscription buttons to help you keep track of what I’m blathering about.

One last thing, since starting the blog I’ve kept pretty well to fairly rigorous self-imposed schedules, and I’m happy it’s garnered me a faithful (and smart, and good-looking, and generally nice) readership. But I’ve just been getting busier and busier in recent months, so I’ve decided to liken my new blogging “schedule” to a recent retiree — still vibrant and a lot to contribute, just not always as regular as I’d like.

So, thanks for hanging in there, and enjoy!

[posted with ecto]

Andertoons Blog on Hiatus

OK, it’s been so busy lately, and I just feel like I haven’t been able to give the blog the attention it’s used to, so I’m putting it on hiatus for a week or two.

Don’t worry, it’ll be back, and I’ll get it robust and regular again, but it’s the end of summer and I’m gonna take a break.

If you’d like to know when I’ll be back I suggest subscribing to it via Bloglines. That’s really the way to go as far as I’m concerned.

So… See ya in a few weeks…