Another Rub My Tummy Review (And Some Great Ideas For Using Cartoons!)

AndertoonstummyThere’s a really nice review of Rub My Tummy… over at Small Business Trends.

And not just a great review, but some really good ideas for using cartoons in your business:

* Business Cards: I’m going to buy some Andertoons to put on my business cards. I’m thinking that it’s a great way to get people to keep them and really get a feel for the experience I provide. In fact, I’m thinking of commissioning him to create some with fill-in-the-blank copy for people to interact with. You can get them in color or black and white!

* Presentations: Mark says that cartoons are excellent for presentations because they say so many things that we may not be able to say (translation: have the guts to say). Cartoons lend an element of emotion that really grabs the audience.

* T-Shirts: Yeah, I’m thinking about how much fun it would be to put some of the cartoons from my business cards on t-shirts and promotional items.

* Your Lobby: Good Housekeeping and The Conference Board have actually bought the original cartoons that Mark drew that mentioned their company names. You can do the same thing. How about having a “best customer moment” cartooned for your lobby? (See Good Housekeeping cartoon and The Conference Board cartoon.)

* Customer Gifts: Why would you send nuts or popcorn, when you can create some customized cartoons that feature your best customers — and your company name. This will be something that they will feature in their offices and be free advertising for you — can’t beat that!

Isn’t that great?!

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“Rub My Tummy and It’s a Deal” Available at Amazon

RubmytummycoverThe wait is over.

You can now get your very own copy of the very first Andertoons book at the very awesome! (Verily!)

And to get this thing rolling, the first ten folks to blog about it will get a signed copy from me free of charge.

Just drop me a line with a link to the post and your address. You can grab an image here.

(Blurbers – you know who you are – don’t bother. Yours are already in the mail.)

Hope you like it! And a special thanks to all the early adopters via Lulu!

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