Maine Comic Arts Festival

Whew!  What a weekend!

As you may know, I spent the weekend cavorting with Mike Lynch and attending the Maine Comic Arts Festival.  Sold a bunch of minicomics, and had tons of fun!

Here’s the pics!

Mike took me to a great local comics shop:


Then he looked at prom dresses:

lynch prom

We had lunch at this adorable little diner (with a giant moose outside!):

mike mark diner

And then dinner with Stephanie Piro and her husband John.  We’re holding what will soon be giant pumpkins:

piro lynch anderson

Now pics from the show:


It was just a wonderful weekend, and thanks again to Mike and Stacy for letting me crash, feeding me, driving me around, and generally making the whole wonderful weekend possible.

Jest in Pun by Bil Keane


My father-in-law picked this up for me a while back at a library book sale. The inside cover shows it’s from 1966, published by Scholastic Book Services, and references "Sidesplitters from Bil Keane’s Sideshow."
Of course Keane is well known as the creator of Family Circus, but I’ve never heard of Sideshow. Anyone know anything about it?
In any case, I’ve got the whole wonderful book scanned in over at Flickr. Here’s some samples! Enjoy:
JestinPun_pg08.jpg JestinPun_pg19.jpg JestinPun_pg34.jpg