The Freelance Cartoonist And Self-Promotion

The modern freelance cartoonist is also, de facto, a self-promoter. You want and need to tell people about your cartoons and comics. After all, people can’t buy your cartoons or hire you if they don’t know you exist. The question is how best to spend your time, effort, and money to get the word out?

I’ve dipped my toe in older, more traditional marketing waters (agencies, postcards, cold-calling…), but by far the most success I’ve experienced has been online. This can’t be surprising, but it warrants the occasional revisit, and I like to think I bring some real experience to the table. I’ve been blogging since before my developer had heard the word “blog,” and tweeting well before everyone knew the 140 character limit.

So here are some online options for the savvy freelance cartoonist and how I use or don’t use them (your results may vary):

Your Website

Freelance Cartoonist Website

Please tell me you have a website, or a blog, or something. If not, stop reading this article right now and go take care of that. It doesn’t need to be fancy, but it needs to look professional. You can’t promote yourself if you don’t have somewhere to send people.

Your Blog

Freelance Cartoonist Blog

Blogging has been around a while, and it’s probably out of fashion, but it’s also an easy and effective way to create, present and organize a lot of content. If you have a site, a blog is a great addition. If you need a site, a blog can be a great way to do that too. I like WordPress personally, but there’s always Blogger or Tumblr.

I used to try to put a little something out every day, but this year I’ve been trying one really good in-depth post per week and I’ve been happier with the results.

Embeds & RSS

Cartoon Embeds & RSS

One of the ways I promote my cartoons from my site is to allow various embedding options and RSS feeds. This is the sort of thing where you’ll probably need a good developer to make it work, but making it easy for people to share your cartoons helps a lot.

Here’s an example of a cartoon from my site that I embedded in this blog post:

Click on the cartoon and you go to the page where you can buy it. There’s also a text link to give the search engines something to chew on. I also have an option where people can embed a daily cartoon thumbnail in their website or blog’s sidebar. It’s fun content for them, and some attention and a link for me.

Add to that my twenty or so RSS feeds sorted by topic, and there’s plenty of ways for people to get their daily cartoon fix.

Again, these options are more along the hire-a-good-developer route, but if you can do any or all of them, I’d recommend it.


Cartoon Emails

This is an area where I can dovetail some of my efforts. I take the daily cartoon RSS feed and route it through Feedburner to repackage it as a daily subscribable email. It requires almost no maintenance on my part and it’s a cinch to set up.

Email is one method you should not discount or take for granted. When I recently changed how my images were being hosted and it created a small glitch for my daily email cartoon subscribers, the deluge of emails asking when it would be fixed was staggering. The inbox is a place you want to be.



There’s all flavor of social media out there, but the one that fits my personal palate best is Twitter. It’s fun, quick, and easily sharable, just like a cartoon.

To organize people I’m following and to get tweets out quickly I use Hootsuite:


As far as tweeting goes, my general strategy with Twitter is 20% me, 80% other people. Using Buffer I schedule a daily cartoon tweet for mornings, and then 4 other retweets of stuff I like throughout the day. I again dovetail the process using IFTTT to push starred blog posts from Google Reader into my Buffer queue:


I also tweet more depending on the day and my schedule. And Twitter’s integration into iOS makes things even easier now. I love me some Twitter.



I should do more with Facebook, but to be perfectly honest, there’s something about it that just rubs me the wrong way.

There are people who are doing great things here, and you should probably figure out what they’re doing and how, but for the time being I’m just forwarding my tweets here.



I was hot on Google+ for a while, and considering it’s almost certainly influencing Google’s search results in all sorts of ways I should be putting in more time here. But I haven’t seen a lot back for my efforts, and there’s only so much social media I can tackle in a day.


Pinterest 1

Pinterest was another thing I was really excited about. A few months before it really hit big I noticed it in my Google Analytics as a referrer and checked it out.

For a while I was seeing a lot of traffic from it, but as it grew and people began to figure out how to game it a little more, that’s dropped considerably.

That being said I still like the occasional pinning binge, and I do see my cartoons appear on it regularly:

Pinterest 2

But as a place to put a lot of effort, I’m not convinced.



Video is a fantastic way to connect with people, and YouTube is obviously king in this arena. My strategy here is to create around one good size video per month while, more or less, doing what I normally do.

For example, with a camera mount clipped to my lamp, an iPhone, and a little time in iMovie, I made this short video of myself inking:

Not bad, not a lot more work, and, I think, very effective.



Although Flickr seems to have floundered in Instagram’s hipstery shadow, I still think it’s one of those important places you should have a presence.

I’ve used it mostly as a way to host pics of my large collection of cartoon themed trading cards. I’d blog about a set, show one pic, and then route people to Flickr to see the rest.

Do I see a lot of traffic from Flickr? Not really. Do I think it influences search results? Somewhat. Do I hope Marissa Mayer and company restore it to its former innovative glory? Definitely.

Other Sites

In addition the usual suspects above, a good freelance cartoonist should be looking for other more unique opportunities to partner with other sites. For example, every Friday for the past couple of years I’ve had a business-themed cartoon at Small Business Trends. They get relevant and entertaining content, I get some great links and access to a large readership. Everyone’s happy:

Small Business Trends

I also have a daily cartoon over at GoComics where I’m at just around 3000 subscribers as I write this:


I also submit regularly to Illustration Friday:

Illustration Friday

I haven’t even mentioned Reddit, StumbleUpon, or Kickstarter, and as soon as I click Publish this list will most likely be obsolete, but it’s a good place for a freelance cartoonist to start.

Find what works for you, do it regularly, and get noticed.

Pre-Order Raconteur #2

Raconteur #2

Hey, just a heads up that Raconteur #2 is available for pre-order at my inky pal Mike Lynch’s blog.

RACONTEUR is a comic book with new autobiographical stories by cartoonists who usually draw those single panel gag cartoons like you see in The New Yorker, Reader’s Digest, Down East Magazine, The Wall Street Journal, etc.

Artist this issue: David Jacobson, John Klossner, Mike Lynch and Jeff Pert.

The first issue sold out fast, so you’ll want to get on this.

And while you’re at it, check out Mike’s drawings from the 2012 Catskills Irish Arts Festival:

Catskills Irish Arts Festival 2012

Support Parkinson’s Research With Team Cul de Sac

Team Cul de Sac

Sparking Design‘s Chris Sparks is leading Team Cul de Sac and raising funds for Parkinson’s research in honor of inky pal and Cul de Sac creator, Richard Thompson.

From the TCDS page:

Richard was recently diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease. With Richard’s support, TCDS has asked cartoonists across the country to draw his characters so the artwork can be compiled into a fundraising book and the artwork auctioned to raise additional money. Hundreds of cartoonists have responded and sent artwork in to be compiled in a book soon to be published by Andrews McMeel. We’ve received cartoons from many of Richard’s personal friends including Stephen Pastis (Pearls Before Swine), Sergio Aragones (Mad, Groo), Patrick McDonnell (Mutts), Pat Oliphant (Pulitzer Prize political cartoonist), Dave Kellet (Sheldon, Drive), Gene Weingarten and David Clark (Barney & Clyde), Mason Mastroianni (B.C.), Roger Langridge (Muppet Show comic book, Marvel’s Thor: The Mighty Avenger, Fred the Clown), Shannon Gallant (G.I.Joe), Michael Cavna (Washington Post), Steven Artley (Artleytoons), Barbara Dale and Steve Conley (Astounding Space Thrills, Bloop) and even Bill Watterson of Calvin and Hobbes fame. That’s just the list of people we asked first because they know Richard. Many other fantastic cartoonists contributed, space doesn’t permit us to list them all, but we appreciate everyone’s contributions.

Team Cul de Sac Book

So, the book is available now for purchase here, and all of the art is currently up for auction (just a few days remaining!) here.

Petey's Oboe Chart

If you love the oboe or know someone who does, my original art and contribution to the book is available here.

I’m proud to be part of Team Cul de Sac, and so amazed at the efforts of everyone involved. Please support TDCS and Parkinson’s research (and get an awesome book to boot!)  today.