Vine Cartoon Experiment

A while back Mashable challenged readers to create some original cartoons on Vine. I really wanted to join in, but was swamped at the time and didn’t know quite how I’d get my cartoons to work on Vine.

But recently I had an idea I thought I’d try out and I created a few to see if it would work. Let me know what you think!

(BTW, for those of you not familiar with Vine, click the little speaker icon in the upper left hand corner of the image to hear the audio.)





So what do you think? What did you like? What didn’t work? Any ideas for improvements?

BTW, here’s a few of the cartoon Vines Mashable readers came up with.

20 Most Downloaded Business Cartoons

Our Cartoon Subscription service really took off last year, and people are using cartoons like crazy. Social media, blogs, email newsletters – if you need content, cartoons are terrific!

One of the most popular categories is business. Although our search feature is quite robust, with thousands of cartoons available it can feel like being a kid in a candy store.  So I thought I’d share 20 of the most downloaded Andertoons business cartoons! Enjoy:

Most Downloaded Business Cartoons #4002

An oldie but a goodie. This one always kills.

Most Downloaded Business Cartoons #4827

Believe it or not, it took forever to get that guy’s tongue right.

Most Downloaded Business Cartoons #5327

Inspired by pretty much every meeting I ever attended.

Most Downloaded Business Cartoons #5702

Still, I bet it’s effective.

Most Downloaded Business Cartoons #5815

That would explain why sales projections are way off.

Most Downloaded Business Cartoons #5923

Another huge seller.

Most Downloaded Business Cartoons #6124

I’ll admit it, I’m guilty of this too.

Most Downloaded Business Cartoons #6129

My wife is a teacher and we read a lot of picture books.

Most Downloaded Business Cartoons #6163

We all knew that was going to happen.

Most Downloaded Business Cartoons #6218

Pretty much everyone downloads this cartoon.

Most Downloaded Business Cartoons #6228

Unless you’re working at Minimalism, Inc.

Most Downloaded Business Cartoons #6234

Someone called her expression “apostrophe eyes” once. Totally nailed it.

Most Downloaded Business Cartoons #6282

I had a manager once tell me he had an open door policy. Then he hid in his locked office for the next 3 years.

Most Downloaded Business Cartoons #6326

You should need  a license to use Reply All.

Most Downloaded Business Cartoons #6493

I’m impressed he’s awake for the interview.

Most Downloaded Business Cartoons #6497

I had to look on Google images for pictures of pastries to get this business cartoon right. Then I went out for donuts.

Most Downloaded Business Cartoons #6515

Business jargon is irresistible to cartoonists.

Most Downloaded Business Cartoons #6550

Let’s get started, shall we?

Most Downloaded Business Cartoons #6559

Sell more?

Most Downloaded Business Cartoons #6591

That’s all anyone really wants.

Fun, right? There are more where those came from! An Andertoons Cartoon Subscription gives you access to hundreds of business cartoons and thousands more on all kinds of subjects. New cartoons are added weekly, and you can cancel any time. And with plans starting at only $20 per month, even your budget will smile!

Where might you use some business cartoons?

2014/1975 Marvel Desktop Wallpaper Calendar

1975 Marvel Calendar

Happy New Year!

Did you know calendars repeat periodically? Yep! Within a 28 year cycle a year will start on the same day of the week as previous years 3 times. (There’s a more detailed explanation here.) For example, 2014 has the same days and dates as the years 2003, 1997, 1986, 1975, 1969, etc…

So while there’s a ton of great 2014 calendars out there, I’m going a little retro and using this 1975 Marvel Comics calendar instead. And as long as I was scanning everything in, I thought I’d share them with you!

Click on the images below and you’ll get a nice big 2560 x 1200 image with both the top image page and the bottom calendar page. Feel free to grab them and use them as some super fun desktop wallpapers.

Have a Marvelous 2014/1975!


1975 Marvel Comics Calendar - January


1975 Marvel Comics Calendar - February


1975 Marvel Comics Calendar - March


1975 Marvel Comics Calendar - April


1975 Marvel Comics Calendar - May


1975 Marvel Comics Calendar - June


1975 Marvel Comics Calendar - July


1975 Marvel Comics Calendar - August


1975 Marvel Comics Calendar - Spetember


1975 Marvel Comics Calendar - October


1975 Marvel Comics Calendar - November


1975 Marvel Comics Calendar - December

Feel free to grab them all now, but don’t worry, I’ll remind you here on the first of each month to download the new month’s wallpaper.

2013 Andertoons Cartoon Blog Recap

So this is my last post for 2013, and it’s also my 2500th Andertoons Cartoon Blog post. I started this way back in May of 2004, so next year I’ll have been doing this for a decade. Can you believe it?!

Last year around this time I wrote about how I’d changed the scheduling and content of the blog to some success. So I thought this year I’d do the same sort of thing, ponder next year’s blogging direction, and highlight some of my favorite posts from 2013.

2013 Blog Stats


Let’s start with the bad news. Blog pageviews dropped an average of 37% this year over last, which sounds awful, right? But when you look back, it’s not really that bad. Pageviews went up 293% for the same period (first 49 weeks of the calendar year) from 2009-2010, went up again by 1837% from 2010-2011 (I know, right?!), and went up again 21% from 2011-2012. And a lot of 2012’s traffic was spiky, especially around popular How-To-Draw posts.

Also, average time on blog pages increased this year over last by 28%, the bounce rate dropped by 12%, and overall pageviews on all of were up. So it’s not as bad as it first sounds.

Here are the top blog posts from 2012:

  1. Blog Home Page
  2. How To Draw A Cartoon R2D2
  3. How To Draw a Cartoon Bunny
  4. LEGO Alphabet Spaceships A-Z (From 2011)
  5. How to Draw a Cartoon Shark
  6. LEGO Robot Santa Claus (From 2011)
  7. How To Draw Batman
  8. How To Draw A Cartoon Leprechaun
  9. Adding a Cartoon (Or Any Other Image) To Your iBook in iBooks Author
  10. MetLife Cartoon Superbowl Commercial – Characters, Errors & Where Waldo Is

And here are the top blog posts from 2013:

  1. Blog Home Page
  2. How to Draw a Cartoon Shark (From 2012)
  3. 20 Educational Cartoons for Back to School
  4. Teacher Cartoons for Back to School (From 2012)
  5. How to Draw a Cartoon C-3PO
  6. How to Draw a Cartoon Turkey (From 2012)
  7. How to Draw a Cartoon Bunny (From 2012)
  8. How to Draw a Cartoon R2D2 (From 2012)
  9. LEGO Alphabet Spaceships A-Z (From 2011)
  10. Teacher Cartoons for Teachers Appreciation Week (From 2012)

Here’s what I’m taking away from this. The How To Draw lessons were a good new draw (no pun intended) in 2012, but in 2013 they were less novel and garnered less interest. So while I think I can expect some nice evergreen traffic from them in the future, the HTDs are going away for 2014.

The blogs from 2013 that performed well were collections of cartoons on a single topic (thanks, teachers!), so I’m probably going to be doing those more often going forward.

And although video takes some time to do well, and it hasn’t performed as well as I’d like, I’m probably going to continue with the occasional watch-me-draw post. The people that watch them really like them, and I enjoy doing them. Plus, I get to just talk and let someone else transcribe the audio!

Best of Blog

So now that the numbers are out of the way, here are the blogs I thought were some of this year’s standouts, as well as the ones that got the most pageviews.


My pick – How to Draw a Cartoon Polar Bear – I did some GIFs for a few How-To-Draws this year and this is one. Plus, polar bears are great.

Most viewed Same as above.


My pick – Success in Comics 2013 – The Daily Cartoonist did a better job reporting this, but I had to include it here because it was just a truly fantastic event.

Most viewed – LEGO Valentine Spaceship – This was super fun to build, and, except for the pilot and the “arrow,” every piece is red!


My pick – Writing Cartoons – 9 Ideas For Generating Ideas – I talk in depth about how and where I find stuff to play with and make fun of.

Most viewed – How To Draw A Cartoon Baby Chick – Tutorial – I think this isn’t one of my better HTDs, but the numbers disagree.


My pick – I Get A Caption With A Little Help From My Friends – I document how my Twitter followers help me figure out a caption.

Most viewed – How To Draw A Cartoon C-3PO – Tutorial – This is just barely in April (on the 3oth), but like R2D2 the year before, it brought in big numbers.


My pick – FAIL! – A few of my most notable failures and why they’re fantastic.

Most viewed – Same as above (but just barely…)


My pick – 5 Cartooning Books You Should Read Right Now – $47 on Amazon will buy you a first rate cartooning education.

Most viewed – Same as above


My pick – Jack Kirby’s Lone Ranger (1971) – So the movie was a dud, but you have to see this Kirby card game art.

Most viewed – How to Draw a Cartoon Giant Robot – I loved Pacific Rim, so this makes me happy.


My pick – Custom Cartoons – A Look Behind the Scenes – Follow along as I create a custom cartoon for a client from beginning to end.

Most viewed – 20 Education Cartoons for Back to School – The little post that could.


My pick – Sketching, Resketching & Inking Cartoons – The 15 minute video takes you from pencil to final ink.

Most viewed – How To Draw A Cartoon Scarecrow – This trounced the above video, but I stand by my choice.


My pick – LEGO Zombie Spaceship Powered By Brains – I didn’t post as much LEGO as I’d have liked to this year, but I really enjoyed building and sharing this for Halloween.

Most viewed – Halloween Cartoons for 2103 – Halloween cartoons always perform well.


My pick – OSU Festival of Cartoon Art – 2013 – I think this is a good overview of the weekend, and there’s loads of pictures.

Most viewed – How To Draw A Cartoon Pilgrim – Maybe I need to rethink this whole dropping the HTD thing. Sheesh!


My pick – Christmas Cartoons – 2013 I just think this is a pretty good batch.

Most viewed – How To Draw A Cartoon Reindeer – Tutorial – So when I wrote this is was too early to tell, but based on the rest of the year I feel pretty confident on this.

Wrapping Up

So that’s it for the blog for 2013. When I checked in early December I was ranking #6 on Google for “cartoon blog” behind such notable blogs as Cartoon Brew, cartoony pal Mike Lynch, and The New Yorker. And while I’d prefer to rank a bit higher, that’s pretty OK with me. I sometimes need to remind myself that as much as I enjoy writing this blog, the whole reason I started it was to draw more traffic to So as long as it’s fun to create and driving traffic, I think you can probably expect another 2500 posts.

Happy New Year!