Happy New Year!
Did you know calendars repeat periodically? Yep! Within a 28 year cycle a year will start on the same day of the week as previous years 3 times. (There’s a more detailed explanation here.) For example, 2014 has the same days and dates as the years 2003, 1997, 1986, 1975, 1969, etc…
So while there’s a ton of great 2014 calendars out there, I’m going a little retro and using this 1975 Marvel Comics calendar instead. And as long as I was scanning everything in, I thought I’d share them with you!
Click on the images below and you’ll get a nice big 2560 x 1200 image with both the top image page and the bottom calendar page. Feel free to grab them and use them as some super fun desktop wallpapers.
Have a Marvelous 2014/1975!
Feel free to grab them all now, but don’t worry, I’ll remind you here on the first of each month to download the new month’s wallpaper.
AWESOME calendar! Gosh, today’s calendar’s are so lame, just slapping together 12 stock images & generic grids of days. Wow. Thanks!
I know, right?! So maybe there’s not a lot of space to write in your own stuff, but this is way more fun!
[…] 2014 has the same calendar as 1975, and in 1975 there was a Mighy Marvel calendar. Mark Anderson has scanned in the calendar and posted big JPEGS so you can make your own wallpaper or print em out for […]
This is awesome! Thanks so much 🙂
Excellent! Was looking for new desktop imagery. Thanks a lot!
You are the absolute best. What a BAM POW way to start the New Year!! (The individual date entries are a riot: e.g. “Take a Villian to Lunch Day”) 🙂
I love this. Thank you! Any chance I could persuade you to add a high-res of the outside cover?
[…] the new year when you can travel back in time to groovy 1975? Cartoonist Mark Anderson dusted off this amazing 1975 calendar to give us 12 months of merry Marvel mayhem. […]
Hi Jay! Let me see what I can do…
[…] So, it’s not like recycling is something new to us, and like Captain America, we have no problem with suspending disbelief and cozily cocooning ourselves in the past. After the rough year we’ve had, we’ve earned it. Check out a few samples from this bronze age beauty below, and download the complete calendar from Andertoons. […]
This is wonderful. Thank you.
[…] bajar todas las imágenes para utilizarlas de wallpaper en este 2014, dense una vuelta por el blog personal del autor donde las encontrarán con la mejor resolución posible, créanme que si les gusta eso del estilo […]
[…] the new year when you can travel back in time to groovy 1975? Cartoonist Mark Anderson dusted off this amazing 1975 calendar to give us 12 months of merry Marvel mayhem. […]
I had this in 1975. The only one I pulled out and saved is the Barry Smith May. Just spectacular detail.
I would love a hi-res scan of the outside cover too! Would be awesome to print this and hang it in the office. Love the scans… what a great idea!
Thanks so much! I actually still have this calendar somewhere in my basement but your making these available online has really brought things back. I’ll actually print these out to use each month! Thanks again!
[…] de interesante se presenta este calendario que el propio Anderson ha colgado en su página web para que todo el mundo pueda imprimirlo y colgarlo como si de un objeto de coleccionista se […]
[…] that the dates for 1975 and 2014 seem to match up, he scanned the calendar and posted each month as a wallpaper. It’s packed with cool trivia, such as the first time Spider-Man met J Jonah Jameson, and will […]
What’s interesting here is no X-Men. Giant Size No. 1 won’t come out for a few months. This is probably the last time Marvel did a big company wide promotion/retail item that didn’t feature any x-men. This makes the ’75 calendar a real historical oddity.
Thank you!
Thank you so much for making this and sharing it! You made my day!
[…] dem 2014er übereinstimmt und den Marvel Calendar von damals rausgekramt, in HighRes eingescannt und online gestellt. Nice! (via […]
[…] hat nun festgestellt, dass der Mighty Marvel Calendar For 1975 auch für 2014 gut nutzbar ist und ihn in HighRes online gestellt. […]
This is so cool! I had a Peanuts calendar like this in 1981 or ’82. Bring back these calendars!
[…] Some calendar years share the exact same dates as others. For example, you’ll find the exact same dates in 2014 that you would find in the years 2003, 1997, 1986, 1969 and 1958. Lucky for us Mark Anderson dug up Marvel’s calendar from 1975 and it’s awesome, especially the month of October. If you’re boring 2014 calendar doesn’t have the umph you need to make it through the new year, he’s made this retro almanac available to download for free. You can find it here. […]
Actually the 1977 Marvel Calendar did not prominently feature the X-Men either. Claremont and Bryne were still growing the fan base, and i think it as still a bi-monthly book at that point. Oh for the good old days when editorial let the writers and artists create the books and had the good sense to stay out of the way.
[…] os demais meses e o post completo no Andertoons, lá você consegue baixar o calendário completo em tamanho MUITO maior Saiba mais sobre datas e […]
[…] 網站:https://blog.andertoons.com/2014/01/2014-1975-marvel-desktop-calendar.html […]