As I’d mentioned recently, I’m working on a new strip.
One of the things I’ve been unhappy with in recent attempts is the lettering. “Smart Alex” was hand lettered, but it’s kind of sloppy. While “Hackles” used a font, but it ended up looking a tad font-y.
But, thanks to font-master Nate Piekos over at Blambot, I don’t have to worry about either problem anymore!
Behold my new font, “AndWritten”…

It’s my handwriting, just… better. A lot better!
Here’s a good example:

And here’s the vast vast improvement:

There’s even a little up & down in the placement of the letters to avoid too much of a font vibe!
I’m not an easy guy to work for. I’m demanding, exacting and I take deadlines very seriously. But lemme tell you, Nate & Blambot not only met my expectations, but greatly exceeded them in every way.
I couldn’t be happier with the end result (in fact, I’m rather giddy!) and I’m already having a condensed version crafted for tighter spaces.
I’ve been holding back some cartoons with lettering in them and now I can’t wait to dig in. (Did I mention the font was delivered several weeks ahead of schedule too?) And I’m also looking forward to lettering the new strip!
Kudos, Blambot! Kudos!
Great font!
Is this something that will be available on the Blambots site, or a purely custom font for your use only?
I seem to remember another cartoonist offering their custom font for sale on Blambot, with proceeds going to a charity, or the CBLDF, etc.
Perhaps that's something worth considering with Andwritten?
You know, I haven't really decided yet. Part of me wants to keep it just for myself, but another wants to throw it out there for everyone to use.
(BTW, the condensed version came out great too!)