What with the rash of makeover shows on TV these days, I figured it was about time our favorite cartoon site got a bit of a facelift too.
The first thing you’ll probably notice is some changes on the home page. I’ve added three thumbnails of my most recent cartoons below the green and beige text boxes, and a brand new blue area explaining how Andertoons.com is unique in the ever more crowded cartoon website landscape. I’ve also added a short snippet of the most recent Andertoons blog. So, for those of you in a hurry for your Andertoons fix, most everything you’d want to keep on top of, including the ever popular daily cartoon, is right on the front page.
I’ve also reengineered the main subject pages (business, family, etc…). There’s a new right-hand menu that will not only allow you to move to other popular cartoon topics more quickly, but often will include cartoon sub-categories related to the current page. For example, on the Sales and Business Cartoons page, you can now get more specific and browse sales cartoons, money cartoons, accounting cartoons, marketing cartoons, advertising cartoons and cartoons about stocks.
A brand new page is my popular article, “Business Cartoons Mean Business,” which has appeared on a number of different sites after initial publication on my blog, but now finds a more permanent home here.
There are also some subtle changes to the blog. You’ll notice an easier to read design and navigation layout, as well as the addition of links to my most popular cartoon topics, and some of my favorite blogs.
One change I’m really excited about is the addition of suggested cartoons on each cartoon’s close-up page! Let’s say you’re looking at a business cartoon about an animal sitting behind an office desk. Now immediately below you’ll find three thumbnails of cartoons in, for example, animal cartoons, office cartoons and business cartoons! (Click here for an example.)
The final big change is the addition of a new navigation menu at the bottom of every page. Now no matter where you are in the site, your favorite pages are only a click away.
Well, that’s about it for now. I hope you like the new changes, and if there’s anything you’d like to see in the future on Andertoons.com, please don’t hesitate to drop me a line!
I like the changes, especially the new menu on the right of the page. It will make it so much easier to find a particular cartoon. Keep up the good work!
Thanks Ken! Always trying to improve the user experience!