My Studio 90 Days Later

About three months ago I blogged about my new office in the Anderson compound.

Some other cartoonists both here at our favorite cartoon blog, and on various cartoon bulletin boards, admired the new digs, but suggested that my cleanliness wouldn’t last. Some even suggested that without some messiness they had no idea how I got anything done.

So, here we are 90 days later, and I decided to just take a few pics without doing any cleaning, straightening, etc… to see how things were going:


Pretty standard for my work area. I made my top drawer on the table under the TV my pen/marker drawer so I can clean up with just a swipe of my hand. I tried to take a good picture of the drawing board’s surface to show some of the marks from marker bleedthrough, but to no avail. (BTW, that’s some “Battlestar Galactica” playing…)


Some clutter, especially in the ol’ “In” basket on the far right, but pretty clean for the most part. There’s some new additions to the top shelf: a Duplo fire helicopter and some Play-Doh for my son for when we bring the baby home. Yesterday there were some boxes with old printer cartridges hanging around, but those found their way to a UPS box this morning.


Some more additions to the other shelves on the other side of the room. We sorta ran out of shelves in the family room. Also, I just got the new iPod Hi-Fi, so my old speakers are waiting to be ebayed. Otherwise, except for the addition of a dozen or so new books, this area is still relatively organized too.


Some boxes have taken up residence over by the shredder.



The closet’s a tad messier, but I can just close the door.

So, all in all, not bad! A far cry from some of the dank predictions most of the more slovenly in my profession predicted.

See some cleanliness cartoons at Andertoons

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My New Cartooning Digs

One of the perks of the new house (aside from not constantly stepping on other members of my growing family) is my new studio.

We actually surprised our real estate agent by finding a great house with a fourth bedroom in our price range. And, after a few weeks and many swipes of the ol’ bank card, that room has become Andertoons Central! Check it out…

(BTW, you can click on the images to see the 1024×768 pics)

A look at the new drafting table

A closer look

Over to the desk

Lots of Elfa in the closet

Plenty or room for more books to come

It’s soooo nice to actually have some room to work. And I can’t tell you how much I’m enjoying my drafting table (I spent years doing all of my cartooning at the coffee table in the living room)!

Enjoy the view now, ’cause I’m betting I clutter it up soon…

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Once More, I’m Back…

OK, I’m gonna have to create a new category for “sorry I’ve been gone so long” entries.

Well, there’s a lot to catch up on…

Firstly, as previously noted, we’re officially moved into the new place! I can even find most everything I’m looking for, unless it’s garage related; that looks like a tool filled dirty bomb was detonated.

We’ve ordered some new furniture and I’m working on getting my office set up. I’d show you some pics, but I want the final reveal (thank you “Trading Spaces”) to really knock your socks off.

We’ve also found out what the upcoming Anderson addition’s gender will be… CAUTION! SPOILERS AHEAD!

According to the ultrasound tech who called Henry right, we’re going to be welcoming Bonnie Elizabeth Anderson to the family tree!

Let’s see… I also found out I’ve been accepted into the National Cartoonist Society!

Some of my cartoon buddies have been trying to get me to get on board for some time so I finally filled out the ap, gathered my recommendations, provided my urine sample, and sent it all in. And they BIT!


Seriously, I’m looking forward to seeing what all the hub-bub is about. At the very least I should get some cool pics at the Reubens in Chicago this year.

Oh, I had a toon in Reader’s Digest recently and I think I have one in the current special edition of HBR. Check ’em out.

Well, that’s about it for now. Like I said, I’ll try to get some pics up as soon as I have something good to show you. And I promise to try to get some decent blogs flowing again.

See ya in a bit…

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