From 1980 Cleo comes this gigantic 11 x 17-ish book of Super Friends valentines!
Sure you’ve got your standard “I think you’re neat, Valentine!” sort of stuff, but there’s also 30 punch out “action” valentines! Fold here, insert tab A into slot B, etc… What fun!
I scanned everything in really big so you can print, cut, and assemble them in time for Valentine’s Day next week. (Just click on the images for the larger version.)
I actually assembled a few and was working on taking movies of them in action, but the combination of 30 year old paper and my bratwurst fingers made for some sad, sad valentine action.
Anyway, enjoy:
Hope you liked ’em! I’ve got some old Batman valentines here as well.
(And, if you get a chance, check out my valentine cartoons too.)