Cartoon Close-Up is a recurring feature where I highlight Andertoons cartoon subscribers, custom cartoon clients, and customers who just buy the occasional cartoon.

This edition’s answers come from subscriber Adam Halpern at Indicator Warehouse.
1) Tell me a little about yourself and your job.
I’ve always been interested in knowing how things work. Be it machines, social systems, and most of all, people. It’s probably why I feel so at home in the day trading world. It’s a mix of modern technology, economics, human emotion and psychology that swirls up into a waveform shown on a price chart.
2) How do you use the cartoons from your Andertoons subscription?
The cartoons are great additions to articles I write on the blog –
I also use them for social marketing –
3) Please give me an example of how someone has responded to a cartoon.
The cartoons are “Like” magnets on social networks.
4) Which cartoon is your personal favorite?
The personal favorite is the custom cartoon you made for me years ago:

5) Where online can people find out more about you?
6) Do you have any questions for me?
Do you ever need help coming up with captions for the cartoons?
When I was a little too busy with custom cartoons a few months back I tried using a writer to help out and give me some more choices. But I found that clients were still mostly choosing the cartoons that I wrote, so I stopped using her and reworked my schedule to allow more time for my own writing.
It’s not always easy, but creating the gags is my favorite part.
Thanks so much to Adam for his time and terrific answers!
If you use Andertoons cartoons and would like to be featured here on the blog and in our monthly newsletter, drop me a line!