Just a heads up that my first card for Papyrus has been released into the wild:
Lemme know if you see it out there!
Technorati Tags: andertoons, cartooning, cartoonists, cartoons, greeting cards
The cartoon blog of Andertoons cartoonist Mark Anderson. He discusses his cartoons, cartooning, comics and, oddly enough, LEGO.
Just a heads up that my first card for Papyrus has been released into the wild:
Lemme know if you see it out there!
Technorati Tags: andertoons, cartooning, cartoonists, cartoons, greeting cards
Hey, I’m in the new Forbes! Check it out!
Technorati Tags: andertoons, cartooning, cartoonists, cartoons, forbes, magazines
99.3 last night and this morning. I”m feeling a lot better, but a nap is still in the plans for this afternoon.
More interesting blogs next week.
Technorati Tags: andertoons
The Chicagoland Cartoonists Cabal has its largest meeting to date last night with four members attending! Woo-hoo!
Cartoonists Brian Diskin, Worth Gowell, Kyle Miller and myself met at Barnaby’s for a few really fun hours of cartoon talk!
Here’s Brian…
…and yours truly!
I’d forgotten about the camera until after Kyle had left, but next time I’ll take two pics of him and catch up.
Topics discussed included pinball and RPG gaming, scuba diving, diapers, and, oh yeah, cartoons!
There was a lot of talk about different possible venues for cartoons, how the web might affect cartooning as a whole, syndication, Flash, education, editors, freelance illustration… Whew!
Honestly, by the end I’d talked myself a little hoarse. It was great!
We also played a exquisite corpse:
Like I said, what a great time!
Thanks to everyone for coming out! (Special thanks to Kyle for the Nascar Pinball game!)
The Cabal is meeting again in May, and I’m gonna look for a new place to hold it again. Barnaby’s was OK, but our growing ranks need more room for ink slinging.
Also, I’d like to try out this game! (Hat tip to EffingComics, who’s more than welcome next time!)
Hope to see everyone and even a few more there!
Technorati Tags: andertoons, cabal, cartooning, cartoonists, cartoons, Chicago
Hey, I’m in Forbes! Check it out!
Technorati Tags: andertoons, cartooning, cartoonists, cartoons, forbes, magazines