Infographics AKA Cartoons

Saw this article and while it’s more specifically about infographics, I thought it had all sorts of great things to say about images in general:

Like videos, images can spread very quickly online with little artificial push. Are they inherently more ‘viral‘ than textual content? It is difficult to say with certainty if it indeed has a higher potential for popularity. But images have undeniable value in spreading ideas. Especially when they are elegantly integrated with the use of text to present information.

Unique, original images can attract an audience. They are not only high quality content for an interested readership but they can be useful promotional tools for anyone interested in gaining more attention.

There’s some really good stuff here, and cartoons are even mentioned. If you’ve got a few minutes it’s more than well worth it!

Read “Infographics Can Help You Spread Ideas and Attract Attention” at Dosh Dosh.

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Fies 2.0

Cover Combined

Brian Fies’ Mom’s Cancer pretty much set the standard for me as graphic novels go.

I don’t read a lot of them, and having come into the genre with the bar set that high (only American Born Chinese and The New Frontier, and The Amulet have similarly satisfied), I’m really REALLY excited for his next effort.

Go check it out!

And Brian… Please hurry!!!

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