It’s hard to believe it’s been almost four months since we launched Cartoon Subscriptions here at Andertoons. The response has been amazing and people really love the all-you-can-laugh approach to using cartoons.
So I thought I’d take this opportunity to share some ideas to help you get the most out of your cartoon subscription:
Blog Cartoons

Blogging might seem downright stodgy these days, but it’s still a great opportunity for content marketing, and a great place to use cartoons from your cartoon subscription.
Instead of dropping in a boring stock photo, use a cartoon. Or try a weekly cartoon as a standalone post and save yourself some writing.
Facebook Cartoons

If your business has a page on Facebook and you’re looking to get some attention, cartoons are absolutely fantastic begging-to-be-shared bite-sized content.
In fact, a recent study showed that Facebook image posts generate 53% more Likes than text or links. The same study showed an 84% link click advantage when that link was posted with a image via Photo/Video versus links posted via Status. Wow!
Listen, I’m a little late to Facebook myself, and I can’t say it’s my favorite flavor of social media. But if you have a cartoon subscription, you should definitely be posting cartoons on Facebook.
Tweeting Cartoons
Twitter is perfect for cartoons, and the recent Twitter Cards make adding visuals to your tweets even better.
You can simply Tweet a cartoon like this:
A perennial favorite…
— Andertoons (@andertoons) April 5, 2013
Or, if you’re really clever, use a cartoon on your blog, Facebook, or Pinterest pinboard and drive some traffic back.
Here’s an example of a Tweet from Firefly Marketing pointing to a cartoon from Small Business Trends:
Small Biz Trends: Declining Markets: Tired and Need a Day Off
— Firefly Marketing (@soarwithfirefly) April 5, 2013
A nice on-topic cartoon for Firefly’s followers and some traffic for Small Business Trends. Awesome!
So, f you’re trying to figure out what to Tweet, don’t forget about all those cartoons in your subscription. After all, when you’ve only got 140 characters, the whole “a picture is worth a thousand words” thing really works in your favor!
Pinterest Cartoons

With Pinterest being most visually based, it’s another great opportunity to use your cartoon subscription.
People love to Pin and share cartoons, so add a Pinterest button to your website and blog, post some cartoons, and watch the Pins (and links back to you) pile up.
Email Newsletter Cartoons
Email marketing is still incredibly effective when used correctly. In fact, it’s how I got my cartoon subscriptions off the ground.
Give people a reason to open and keep opening your emails from Constant Contact or MailChimp by including a cartoon from your cartoon subscription.
In fact, here’s a short video tutorial:
I’m sure I’ve overlooked a few opportunities (Tumblr, Flickr, StumbleUpon) but hopefully I’ve given you some ideas on ways you might not have considered to use those thousands of cartoons in your Andertoons cartoon subscription. And if you haven’t yet signed up, with plans starting at only $20/mo, what are you waiting for?