Andertoons Redesign (I Just Can’t Leave Well Enough Alone)

It’s been a few weeks since I last looked at redesigning the site, and after looking at the last design with some fresher eyes, and spending WAY too much time drawing graphics for the left side buttons, I scrapped everything yet again and started fresh.

Drum roll please…


(Click the image to enlarge to 1024 wide.)

OK, the buttons on the left are gone. I’m sorry, but there was just no way around it.

As the site expands and provides more and more features, screen real estate becomes harder to juggle. I’m also trying to leave some “white space” to avoid feeling too crowded. But, never fear, I didn’t get too Web 2.0/corporate; dig the little icons in the top horizontal menu bar.

I also did some new stuff for features underneath the cartoon.

Hopefully it stays playful while allowing me some more room to work.

Of course there’ll be more pages to change, but this is the final design and will define the rest of the site.

It’s still a few months away, but I was excited to show it off.

Hope you like it!

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