Wow, what a year!
A blogging look back:
January – I finally have an office. And it’s really clean!

February – I ask a book reviewer to kiss my ass again.

March – Bug Catcher Spidey!
April – I’m an April fool for baby Bonnie!
May – My first Reubens! (Day one, two/three, pics)

June – Andertoons e-commerce debuts! My inbox and Paypal account take some much needed time off.

July – My son – cartoon prodigy.
August – Hanging with the crazies at Wizard World.

September – I made it there; I can now make it anywhere. (NY day 1, day 2 & 3)
October – Andertoons hacked!

November – Mmm… Andertoons…
December – Christmas pin-up.
Looking back this way has been a ton of fun for me personally. My wife and I were discussing the year this morning and I think it’s probably one of the busiest, if not THE busiest, year for the Anderson clan.
So much good stuff, and so much that I’m so thankful for.
Here’s to more good friends, good health, and good humor in 2007!
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