Andertoons Profiled at Business Owners’ Idea Cafe

Business Owner’s Idea Cafe bills itself as “A Fun Approach to Serious Business,” and I’ve often marketed Andertoons as “Taking Funny Seriously,” so I guess it’s only natural that the two sites got together for this profile of Andertoons.

A few tidbits:

Anything you would have done differently?

I probably should’ve quit my day job sooner. I was surprised how much more art I could get done when I was downsized.

What advice do you have for others?

Figure out how to sell yourself online, and fast. Watch for those big trends (I discovered blogs earlier than most) and hit them hard. And get yourself a decent coffee maker. You’re gonna drink a lot of it; get something that makes it taste good.

Favorite Food?

Chocolate chip cookies.

Go read the whole thing here!

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Anonymous Celebrity (Kinda Sort Of)

I was reading Tom Richmond’s blog about a local mag’s cover story on him, and this popped out at me:

The story did serve one useful purpose. Several of our neighbors who we did not know well now know what I do for a living… apparently I was previously believed to be a lawyer.

I’ve often thought/hoped that my neighbors are wondering “I dunno, he’s home all the time; what do you think he does?!”

I have to admit, I love it when people ask what I do, because, let’s face it, I have a really freakin’ cool job.

The thing I love even a little bit more is when I get something like this: “So you like do a comic for the local paper or something?”

And then I get to play what my wife calls the credibility card (I call it the badass card) and say “actually, I do a lot of work for magazines like Reader’s Digest, Good Housekeeping… I think I’m in the current Forbes. That sort of thing.”

I know, pride goeth before a fall and all that, but it’s fun watching them have to all of a sudden take me seriously.

Anyway, congrats to Tom on his cover story. Go read his blog; I’m going to go get some dessert.

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