Love the pizza bit.
Tag: Captain America
Superhero Coloring Books
Over the years I’ve been sort of a casual collector of superhero coloring books. Either flavor (Marvel or DC) is fine by me, as long as they’re goofy. And,frankly, the goofier the better!
So when I find a good silly uncolored one on Ebay, I snap it up, scan it in, and share it here at the blog.
Here’s some of my favorites! (BTW, click the images to download the PDFs.)
I’ve got more coming to share soon, but that should keep you coloring and entertained for a good while! Enjoy!
Avengers Coloring/Puzzle Book Asks You To Solve the Puzzle In Hulk’s Pants
So The Avengers comes out in just a few days and, if you’re like me, you can barely contain yourself. Need a way to keep yourself busy while you wait? Try this 1983 Marvel coloring/puzzle book!
Captain America, Hulk, Thor, and Iron Man are summoned by Blue Star to find the magic pencils and help him defeat Ashius to save the planet Fireball! But Ashius isn’t alone, you’ll also be fighting Red Skull, Rhino and Loki!
Can you help the heroes touch their magic pencils together (I’m not kidding) in time to save Blue Star?
Click the cover to download the whole book as a PDF, and enjoy some sample pages below:
Avengers Trailer
Hoo hoo, baby! So can’t wait to see this!
1966 Captain America Coloring Book
Way back in 1966 Marvel and Whitman put out this Captain America coloring book where Cap gives Batroc a ride on his shoulders, defeats robots with a knockout pill, and Nick Fury miraculously morphs into Bucky.
This is the good stuff!
Feel free to download the whole thing in this convenient PDF.
Here’s a few samples to whet your appetite: