Leave it to Boing Boing to find this!
Category: Books & Comics
Hitler Cartoons (No, I’m Not Kidding)
OK, this is so weird I’m going to let it speak for itself…
A rare book of satirical cartoons featuring Adolf Hitler as a native American beside a Nazi teepee, was sold at auction.
The Nazi leader gave his approval to the first and only edition of the collection, published in 1933, in his first year of power.
The illustrations, compiled from the world’s press including the Daily Express and the New York Herald Tribune, depict Hitler as a ludicrous yet dangerous politician. The book sold for £200.
Calvin Collectible Cash Cow
Remember that Teaching with Calvin and Hobbes book I was interested in? I found one on Ebay last week, but failed to hang in there price-wise. Wanna hazard a guess as to how much it went for?
I think Calvin would be proud.
Reimagining “Blondie”

I ran across this concerning the big 75th Blondie anniversary:
…”Blondie” will be celebrated across the funny pages and include a visit from the U.S. first couple.
President Bush and first lady Laura Bush will show up in the finale, Sept. 4, which will feature the party at the Bumstead`s home…
OK, I’ll admit it, I was all set to mock this, but then it hit me; this is a golden opportunity for one of the most geriatric comic strips to really reinvent itself!
With the Bushes involved, maybe the strip can morph into some biting political satire. Let’s kill off Mr. Dithers and have Bush become Dagwood’s new boss. Or maybe W appoints Dagwood to the Supreme Court!
Call it Dagsbury! Ooh, ooh, or how ’bout Blondocks!
Holy Homosexuals, Batman!
Carrie over at Stay Free! reports of an art dealer being served a cease and desist order from D.C. Comics for its display of Mark Chamberlain’s watercolors depicting a gay Batman and Robin.
Doesn’t this fall under fair use or parody or something? Maybe I need to reconsider moving to Canada…