All About the New

Welcome to the new!

It’s been more than ten years since we made such a substantive change to the website, and we’re very excited to tell you all about it!


The web has changed a lot in the past decade, and while the last iteration of Andertoons was robust, it was starting to show its age. Passwords would stop working, RSS feeds would glitch, and just recently every cartoon went AWOL for a few hours. Well, I’m happy to report that those problems are a thing of the past.

We’ve built the new Andertoons on the world’s best e-commerce platform. We’ve also partnered with industry leading designers and developers including specialists in subscription and search. We’ve even gone though the entire cartoon database line by line and cleaned up all those little quirks and errors that had creeped in.

Long story short, it’s working great! And when technology moves forward, we’re positioned to move with it.


Since we introduced Cartoon Subscriptions back in 2012, we’ve signed up over 1000 individuals, schools, government agencies, and businesses large and small all over the world. Our subscribers have downloaded more than 75,000 cartoons, and subscriptions make up almost 95% of our e-commerce.

And it’s no wonder – Cartoon Subscriptions are simply the best product and greatest value we have. Why pay $20 for a single cartoon when you could pay the same $20 for a subscription and enjoy an entire cartoon buffet? In fact, single cartoon customers usually buy additional cartoons within one day of their original purchase.

The numbers don’t lie, and our customers have clearly indicated this is their preferred way to do business, so we’ve phased out individual cartoon purchases. If you’ve purchased that way in the past, we urge you to try a subscription. We know you’ll love it! (Did I mention you can cancel any time?)

Mobile Friendly

The old Andertoons was actually launched before the original iPhone, so it was never designed to be used on a smartphone.

The new website, however, was built from the ground up to be responsive and display beautifully on desktops, smartphones, tablets, and just about anything else!

Finally you can peruse the latest cartoons while waiting for the barista to call your name!

Larger Clearer Images

While we were fixing everything else, we also took the time to refresh and clean up the thousands of cartoons in our inventory. They’re bigger, clearer, and easier to read. The cartoons are the real stars of the show here, and we’re happy to present them at their best.


In the past we offered cartoons at just two sizes – small (480×360 pixels at 72 DPI) and large (1500 pixels wide at 300 DPI). But, again, the internet has changed drastically since Andertoons launched (we actually predate Facebook by 3 years!). So a change was overdue.

During the redesign we spent a lot of time looking at all the most popular email marketing services, social media, and publishing trends, and we compiled five JPEG sizes and ratios to better serve our customers needs. And they’re all at print-ready 300 DPI. They are:

  • Small (480 x 360) – Great for blogs and Twitter
  • Wide 1 (1200 x 900) – Big enough for MailChimp but not too big
  • Wide 2 (1200 x 628) – Perfect for Facebook News Feed
  • Square (1200 x 1200) – Ready for Instagram
  • Print (2250 wide) – Gorgeous on the printed page

Even better, you don’t have to worry about which size you need. Every time you download you’ll receive a ZIP file with all five sizes!

No matter what your usage is, your Andertoons cartoons are always the right size.

But Wait, There’s More!

In addition to all of the above, additional improvements include:

The Best Part

So after more than two years of planning, sourcing, designing, coding, testing, and sparing no expense, how will all this affect your pricing? That’s the best news of all; the price you pay isn’t changing one bit.

Nada. Zip. Zilch.

We have the best and most loyal customers out there, and we built the new Andertoons for you. Have a look around and enjoy! We know you’re going to love it!

The History of

When I was just starting out as a cartoonist almost 20 years ago, I was photocopying my cartoons at Kinkos, stuffing them in envelopes with a SASE, keeping track of my submissions in a spiral notebook, and watching the mailbox like a hawk.

A few years later I thought there might be an opportunity to sell my cartoons on the relatively new World Wide Web and I built the first It was a game changer.

Instead of sending out stacks of mail, people found and emailed me. Instead of weekly photocopying, I scanned in my cartoons one time. And instead of invoicing and waiting for checks, revenue went into my bank account everyday automatically. It didn’t take long to see that this was the way to do business.

Over the years has changed and evolved in ways large and small, so with launching the new site, I thought I’d share some of the old Andertoons. Enjoy!

2001 – I built this myself using a WYSIWYG service.
2002 – Some WYSIWYG refinements.
2003 – I hired my first designer/developer.
2004 – I began working with a developer I’d continue with for almost 14 years. And the Andertoons font debuts.
2005 – Minor changes including a blog widget.
2007 – The last time I did the design myself. I should have stopped earlier.
2009 – A more modern Andertoons with a new logo.
2012 – Larger, cleaner, and a little more white space.
2015 – Larger and simpler still.

Well, that’s all of the old Andertoons.coms. Wanna see the new one?