Recently on a trip to library, I noticed among the new non-fiction a book entitled “On Cloud Nine” by Robert Wendover and Terrence Gargiulo. It looks to be about working with older/younger people in the workplace blah blah blah, and it has some good reviews over at Amazon, but the reason I checked it out are the illustrations are by Playboy’s Eldon Dedini.
What’s interesting is how different the illustrations are from the Dedini I’m used to. Sure, a book on office generational challenges probably isn’t gonna have a lot of nymph related material, but it’s very simple line art:

Here’s another:

Honestly, unless I’d seen Dedini’s signature, I dunno I’d have ever thought this work to be his.
Here’s a little of what I’m more used to (from 1961’s “The Dedini Gallery”:

Sure there’s a naked chick in it, but the line is so different!
I gotta wonder what the deal is…
Technorati Tags: cartoonists, cartoons