This Kind of Makes Sense… (I’m Scared!)

So I’m surfing last night and reading a bunch of junk about this Kurtz vs. Wiley vs. syndication vs. Kramer vs. Kramer stuff, and ran across this article at Websnark. And, I gotta tell ya, it made some sense to me.

Yeah there’s your requisite name calling and such, but it did make me question the syndication model a bit more.

To be honest, it’s all kind of a moot point for me. I try a new strip or panel once or twice a year and it gets roundly rejected by the syndicates. In the meantime I’m selling cartoons to magazines, book publishers, advertising agencies, greeting card companies, newspapers, corporations and individuals who are kind enough to A) think I’m funny, and B) pay me to use my cartoons.

In all this squabbling it almost feels like syndication or the brave new web are the cartoonist’s only options. Lemme tell ya, it ain’t so.

You can draw cartoons and make a living from the actual art/writing without pimping your creativity. Hundreds of us do it every day, fusing tradition media sales and web savvy. And I suspect we’ll keep right on doing it, no matter who wins.

“Toonami” Here to Stay

Cartoon Network execs have opted to keep the “Toonami” title on a block of cartoons despite the recent tsunami disaster.

According to Broadcasting & Cable, Cartoon Network General Manager Jim Samples calls it “obviously an unfortunate rhyme” but defends the choice saying “it’s a brand we’ve had out there for a long time.”

The channel pulled an upcoming episode of Hi Hi Puffy AmiYumi that included characters surfing a tsunami and is readying a campaign to inspire viewers to help those in need.

Posted in TV