Month: January 2005
Oliver Christianson – Inside the Cartoonist’s Studio

This week ITCS welcomes Hallmark cartoonist Revilo (AKA Oliver Christianson)!
1) If you were to cast a movie entirely with cartoon characters, what movie would it be and who would star in it?
I’d like to see “My Dinner with Andre” and have Heckle and Jeckle star in it.
2) You’re a syndicate editor launching a new comic strip. What’s the worst possible title you can think of?
“I Shot Abe Lincoln”.
3) A light bulb over a cartoon’s head signifies an idea, while a string of random characters denotes swearing. Invent a new cartooning icon and what it means.
A floating eye ball to indicate that a character is thinking about a cyclops.
Thanks a bunch, Oliver! Please be sure to check out his great cartoons at his website and at Hallmark stores near you!
Center For Cartoon Studies

Where was this about 16 years ago?!
It’s an interesting idea, but it looks entirely geared toward graphic novels/comics. I’ll be curious to see if they expand into comic stips and (gasp!) gag cartoons.
Marge Simpson – Hair Model
Blast From My Cartoon Past – “Smart Alex”

I was going through some of my hard drive the other day looking for stuff to get rid of and ran across one of my older strip submissions and thought it might be fun to throw them up on the ol’ blog.
The art is pretty amateurish, but some of the writing isn’t too bad. (I especially like the snow globe one.)
Click the strips to check them out!

I got some nice comments back on them, but nothing ever came of it. I did learn a lot about creating a comic strip, though, as you’ll be able to see when I post the next strip a little further down the road.
I’ll put week 2 up soon….