Fast on the Draw – Business Cartoon
This month for Fast on the Draw, I’m doing one of my very favorite topics – a business graph. Enjoy! If you like this, you might enjoy this Fast on the Draw education cartoon too!
The cartoon blog of Andertoons cartoonist Mark Anderson. He discusses his cartoons, cartooning, comics and, oddly enough, LEGO.
This month for Fast on the Draw, I’m doing one of my very favorite topics – a business graph. Enjoy! If you like this, you might enjoy this Fast on the Draw education cartoon too!
Today I’m launching another new feature called Fast on the Draw where you get to see me draw a cartoon from beginning to end in about 2 minutes. I’ve been trying to figure out a way for years to share video of me drawing my cartoons, and I’ve had some limited success, but the process… Continue reading Fast on the Draw – School Cartoon
Cartoon Close-Up is a recurring feature where I highlight Andertoons cartoon subscribers, custom cartoon clients, and customers who just buy the occasional cartoon. This edition’s answers come from subscriber, Geraldine D’Arcy. 1) Tell me a little about yourself and your job. I manage the research and publications side of things for the Irish Primary Principals’ Network –… Continue reading Cartoon Close-up – Leadership+
This year the National Cartoonists Society held it’s Reuben Awards in our nation’s capital, Washington, DC at the Omni Shoreham. It was an amazing weekend and I was so honored to be one of the featured speakers. Presidents, Sinatra and the Beatles have stayed here. And now I have too! Comfy! Lots of space to pretend… Continue reading 2015 NCS Reubens – Washington, DC
I’m super excited and honored to announce that I’m going to be speaking at the 2015 National Cartoonists Society Reuben Awards! Perhaps even better, I’ve been caricatured by Mad’s Tom Richmond for the brochure cover! (I’m second in from right under the flag with the glasses, hat, and the giant, and sadly quite accurate, nose.)… Continue reading I’m Speaking at the 2015 NCS Reuben Awards